A Conversation for HEAVEN...

Silly Sainting Ceremony...

Post 201

Yael Smith


Silly Sainting Ceremony...

Post 202

Jon Quixote: steaming little purple buns for tea.

*grinssmiley - biggrin*
Well Tara it's just you and me..... and this beautiful ceremonysmiley - cry.

Silly Sainting Ceremony...

Post 203


*Lead by Kes, Kristina eneters the circle*
*She is wearing traditional Flamenco costume, and looks stunning smiley - tongueout*
*Feeling slightly more confident, Silly Willy flexes the sword and beckins Kristina to kneel*

Kristina, you are now the Patron Saint of Duende smiley - smiley

*The lights in the room change, Spanish music begins to play*

Silly Sainting Ceremony...

Post 204

Titania (gone for lunch)

Will you smiley - angels over there please wait with the dancing until the ceremony is over?

Silly Sainting Ceremony...

Post 205

Jon Quixote: steaming little purple buns for tea.

Duendesmiley - erm

Silly Sainting Ceremony...

Post 206

Yael Smith

Deffinately not!smiley - biggrin

Silly Sainting Ceremony...

Post 207


It's a little early for dancing, I think! I'll rather wait till the ceremony is over! smiley - smiley

* takes out a packet of smiley - choc *
Sit down and have some of this! smiley - tongueout

Silly Sainting Ceremony...

Post 208

Seven of Nine [(1x52)-2-8]x1=42!

Saint Lady Elly, your husband is looking for you.

You owe me a favour nowsmiley - biggrin

Silly Sainting Ceremony...

Post 209

Yael Smith

But it's a silly ceremony, here- ^ look at the title!

Silly Sainting Ceremony...

Post 210


*looks around for a smiley - bubbly*

Silly Sainting Ceremony...

Post 211

St. Dax of Goodheartedness (Host no. 42 and counting) (keeper of the frustrating habit of using a lot of... dots... all the time

*after being nursed back to health by her dashing black vulcan piece of manhood*

"Yes, I made it, I´m an Angel"

*Unfolds her wings wide and wraps them around Tuvok*

"Let´s see what these puppies can do" smiley - winkeye

Silly Sainting Ceremony...

Post 212

Yael Smith

That's a lie!smiley - grr Am I so bad to dance with?!smiley - cry

Silly Sainting Ceremony...

Post 213

Jon Quixote: steaming little purple buns for tea.

I don't. I'm allowed to dance with the Lady.
Anyway, I'll be glad to give you a favour for free. What's you pleasure?
*flexessmiley - magicmuscles*

Silly Sainting Ceremony...

Post 214

Seven of Nine [(1x52)-2-8]x1=42!

A quad-simpost. I never saw that before.
~takes notes~

Silly Sainting Ceremony...

Post 215

Jon Quixote: steaming little purple buns for tea.

Damn, late again.

Silly Sainting Ceremony...

Post 216

Yael Smith

Don't, JQ! I don't like this so called smiley - angel!

Silly Sainting Ceremony...

Post 217

Jon Quixote: steaming little purple buns for tea.

Sorry, it's the curse.

Silly Sainting Ceremony...

Post 218


*find a smiley - bubbly, sips*

Silly Sainting Ceremony...

Post 219

Jon Quixote: steaming little purple buns for tea.

Don't what, Elly? smiley - erm

Silly Sainting Ceremony...

Post 220


*A hush rushes through the smiley - angels*
*From no-where a dashing gentleman appears*

Mr. Darcy, this way!

*Hanging from Mr. Darcy's arm is Killer Queen*
*She's wearing purple*

*The Archangel's mouth drops, he simply stares*

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