A Conversation for The Loyal Zoological Society
Endangered Wildlife on Sale!!!!
Websailor Started conversation Aug 17, 2005
Will people never learn?
Anyone found buying or selling in this way, or any other should be strung up! Those people taking from the wild will always say they wouldn't do it if there wasn't a market for it. UK, US and Europe are the worst offenders for buying. I am sure there is more on the IFAW site but I haven't had time to look yet.
Perhaps any sites found doing this should be reported to CITES, though shutting down sites is near impossible as we know from the drugs, arms and terrorist issues.
Endangered Wildlife on Sale!!!!
Websailor Posted Aug 17, 2005
Just a sample
- I have seen, handled and photographed some of the confiscations from UK airports and you would have to see it to believe it!
Endangered Wildlife on Sale!!!!
Gnomon - time to move on Posted Aug 18, 2005
I have to admit I once bought a piece of ivory carved into a model of an elephant (in Egypt). It never for one moment occurred to me that I was encouraging the trade of ivory and therefore the killing of elephants.
I'm sure there are many people buying these things on the internet and being equally unaware.
Endangered Illegal Wildlife on Sale!!!!
Websailor Posted Aug 18, 2005
I am sure you are right and I won't hold it against you, Gnomon, but WWF has been targeting airports etc. for years with displays and video showings, and has also got the laws regarding wildlife trade tightened up in the UK, though enforcing it is another matter.
Buying any wildlife, or product, is similar to buying in a supermarket, in that each sale triggers the death of another wild creature. The same people who deal in drugs and arms are involved at the top of the chain, and are very devious and dangerous.
The penalties for bringing in illegal wildlife and products are pretty stiff, and cover a whole range of things. When I have a minute I will find a couple of links for you, and anyone else who might be interested, but I am about to feed the badger and that takes priority at the moment
Endangered Illegal Wildlife on Sale!!!!
Websailor Posted Aug 18, 2005
I have put the badger food out and left other half to keep watch. Brock is very regular in his times so shall nip off again in a minute
In the meantime here is a link giving access to various press releases etc. on the trade in endangered wildlife. I collected well over 500 hundred signatures for the Petition to get the law tightened.
Endangered Illegal Wildlife on Sale!!!!
Websailor Posted Aug 19, 2005
thanks for reminding me Rich:
WWF-UK under illegal wildlife trade also has some good links.
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Endangered Wildlife on Sale!!!!
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