A Conversation for The Loyal Zoological Society
Animal Sex
Gnomon - time to move on Started conversation Aug 9, 2005
I've had an idea for a good h2g2 Entry about Animals: Animal Sex. I think this is a topic that would attract some attention. It should be a long entry, but the common theme would make it worth keeping as a single entry rather than splitting it into separate ones.
I've come up with a few ideas which I've put into A4885112. Does anybody agree that this would be a good topic? Do people want to help me write it, or will you just sit back and laugh?
Animal Sex
Gnomon - time to move on Posted Aug 9, 2005
If anybody knows anything about the topics I've outlined they could write that section. I'll write the introduction and any bits that other people don't volunteer for. People can suggest other suitable sections as well. Already rik has suggested about five more sections that I hadn't thought of or known about in a conversation on the entry itself.
Animal Sex
Kat - From H2G2 Posted Aug 9, 2005
Woooaaahhhh!!! Snakes have two penises?? (Peni? ) That's so....weird!
Oh I've got another penis thing to add....pigs have cork-screw ones...or so I've heard, I haven't got close and looked much
I think it's a fab topic!...but I'll laugh a lot...
Animal Sex
Otus Nycteus Posted Aug 10, 2005
Good topic, but probably time-consuming and with a tendency to sprawl...
And just to add to that:
- Bonobo's, the 'make love, not war' chimps
- Homosexual necrophiliac rape in Anas platyrhynchos, the common mallard (Dutch scientist Kees Moeliker won an IgNobel prize in 2003 with his eyewitness account of this quite horrific incident. Here's a link for those of you perverse enough to be interested
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Animal Sex
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