A Conversation for The Loyal Zoological Society
Gnomon - time to move on Started conversation Aug 8, 2005
I visited Belvedere House, Mullingar, Co Westmeath, Ireland, yesterday. In the grounds of the house is a Falconry Centre, where all sorts of birds of prey are kept. They have hawks, kestrels, owls and eagle owls. They do demonstrations, getting the birds to fly around and dive down at birds of meat that they swing around their head on a string. Daughter #1 got her photo taken with a dangerous-looking bird on her wrist.
Kat - From H2G2 Posted Aug 8, 2005
Oh they do that sort of thing at castles etc as well yes? Oh and obviously bird...er places
I saw a "performance" at Warwick Castle once and was pretty impressed. What bird did #1 get on her wrist? They're surprisingly heavy for what they look usually!
Is hunting with birds allowed/done much nowadays or is it consigned to old place tourist stuff?
Gnomon - time to move on Posted Aug 8, 2005
It was a Harris Hawk she had on her wrist.
I don't know what the situation is with respect to hunting. Nearly all small birds are protected in Ireland, but there may be special exceptions for hunting with falcons, as it is a very old tradition. I can't see any problem with hunting for mice or rats, as they are considered to be vermin.
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