A Conversation for The Loyal Zoological Society
On Endangered Species
Ascverlaren Cherry Started conversation Dec 14, 2005
This is an interesting article concerning a new map outlining key areas requiring immediate assistance with conservation efforts
However, it does look to be another pointless exercise, unless governments and agencies pull together and actually utilise the information to help create a feasible conservation management scheme.
On Endangered Species
Gnomon - time to move on Posted Dec 14, 2005
Gerald Durrell set up Jersey Zoo specifically to rescue endangered species. He always said that his long term goal was to close the zoo. He would only do this, however, when there were no endangered species left that needed rescuing. It looks as if the zoo will never close.
On Endangered Species
Ascverlaren Cherry Posted Dec 14, 2005
I know how you feel; many zoos collaborate on excellent conservation programs with the goal of re-introducing animals into their natural habitat wherever possible. Unfortunately, these programs alone are insufficient.
Unless the local governments actively participate and encourage conservation management by enlisting the help of local people and making it beneficial for them to protect the animals, rather than to poach/hunt/eat them, then most efforts are likely to fail in the end.
However, it is easy to preach from behind a computer screen, I have no doubt that directing this sort of process would make you tear your hair out in frustration.
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On Endangered Species
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