A Conversation for The Loyal Zoological Society
New mammal discovered?
Otus Nycteus Started conversation Dec 6, 2005
Looks like a (new species of?) fossa (a viverrid from Madagascar) to me. But of course that could be attributed to convergent evolution.
New mammal discovered?
Azara Posted Dec 6, 2005
I thought Madagascan mammals had a long divergence from everywhere else--I'm surprised that something in Borneo could look so like them (I'm taking your word for it--I don't know enough about them myself to tell!)
New mammal discovered?
Otus Nycteus Posted Dec 6, 2005
Hello, Azara.
You're right about Madagascan mammals, but they're still related to mammals elsewhere. And 'looking like an animal elsewhere, even if they're not related', is exactly what convergent evolution is. It's basically the same sort of environmental pressure causing animals to look similar. A famous example are dolphins and ichthyosaurs (the long extinct sea reptiles.)
New mammal discovered?
Gnomon - time to move on Posted Dec 7, 2005
...or even the heads of deer and kangaroos...
That's a fascinating report about the new mammal. Eyes on front means predator and carnivore - eyes glowing means adapted for night vision so nocturnal - long strong tail could mean a tree dweller. All this from only two photos.
I don't know why that report doesn't put both pictures on the web page, though, instead of making a little video presentation which you have to run before you can see the second picture.
New mammal discovered?
Ascverlaren Cherry Posted Dec 7, 2005
Wow, interesting article
It does lead me to wonder how many more mammal species are left undiscovered on earth...
You're right about the video presentation though --- I am not allowed access at work and it doesn't seem to want to run on my home PC.
Or not?
Otus Nycteus Posted Dec 10, 2005
Dutch zoologist Chris Smeenk recently stated the animal may well be a color variety of the masked palm civet (Paguma larvata). Guess we'll have to wait and see...
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New mammal discovered?
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