A Conversation for The Loyal Zoological Society
h2g2 Uni Project about animals...
U168592 Started conversation Dec 1, 2005
A5849111 Animal Heroes
Needs a Sub Editor, but thought people here might like to take a look too
h2g2 Uni Project about animals...
Gnomon - time to move on Posted Dec 2, 2005
Interesting story about Binti Jua. I was going to suggest an entry on Jambo the gorilla in Jersey Zoo, but it turns out that the details are almost exactly the same as Binti's story. A boy fell into the enclosure and was knocked unconcious. All the gorillas came running over to see, but Jambo the silverback got there first, checked to see was the boy OK. When it was obvious he wasn't, he chased away the other males and kept them away until help arrived.
Jambo's behaviour completely changed the attitude of people in the UK to gorillas.
h2g2 Uni Project about animals...
U168592 Posted Dec 2, 2005
Didn't know about Jambo, might add a footnote maybe, saying that this behaviour isn't all that uncommon amongst any animals really...
I might google Jambo and see what I can find
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h2g2 Uni Project about animals...
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