A Conversation for The Loyal Zoological Society

New Animal Discovered in North Sea

Post 1

Gnomon - time to move on

A new type of animal, the bone-eating snot-flower, has been discovered in the North Sea. It is a type of worm which feeds by drilling into bones of dead whales and dissolving them with a bacterial soup. The snot-flower has the scientific name _Osedax mucofloris_.

New Animal Discovered in North Sea

Post 2


smiley - bigeyes Who found it? Where? When?

New Animal Discovered in North Sea

Post 3

Gnomon - time to move on

Scientists from the Natural History Museum, London, discovered it "recently". They sunk the body of a dead whale to the bottom of the North Sea, then a year later hauled it up to see what was feeding on it.

New Animal Discovered in North Sea

Post 4


Bone-eating snot-flower though? smiley - laugh Couldn't somebody have come up with a better name?

Any photos anywhere?

New Animal Discovered in North Sea

Post 5

Gnomon - time to move on

There doesn't appear to be anything about it on the web yet, but there are pictures of other bone-eating osedax worms which were discovered last year in califoria. It looks something like these:


New Animal Discovered in North Sea

Post 6


Something very odd happened to that website. It came up stretched and weird. I'll try again later.


New Animal Discovered in North Sea

Post 7

Kat - From H2G2

Eugh that's one ugly thingy!

You'd think they'd come up with a more "snobby intellectual" name wouldn't you? Or are we all, at heart, still 6 years olds? smiley - winkeye

New Animal Discovered in North Sea

Post 8

Gnomon - time to move on

The Latin name "Osedax mucofloris" actually means bone-eating snot-flower.smiley - biggrin

New Animal Discovered in North Sea

Post 9

Otus Nycteus

Here ya go, with photo an' evvythang!


New Animal Discovered in North Sea

Post 10

Kat - From H2G2

That's pretty!

New Animal Discovered in North Sea

Post 11


Zombie worm smiley - smiley

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