Talking Point: Fattiest Meal Ever
Created | Updated Feb 10, 2009

You may have come across a recent report that some kebabs in the UK are now known to contain as much as a staggering 2,000 calories. 'Who eats these things?', you may ask. Well, chances are a fair proportion of consumers don't even remember doing so, given kebabs' association with weekend binge drinking.
Today, we all know the risks associated with such highly fatty food – the media forces the statistics down our throats on daily basis (hiccup). But do we care? Judging by rising obesity levels, the answer is, generally speaking, no. It tastes so good, after all.
So, what we'd like to know this week is this:
What's potentially the most fattening meal you ever eat or have eaten?
Do you eat it regularly as a special treat, or simply out of habit?
Can you justify having it because of the exercise you take?
Did your parents introduce you to it?
Have you tried to stop yourself from eating it but failed?
Do you eat lots of small portions of it?
How many calories does it contain?
Do people eat a lot of it in the place you grew up in?
Do you fancy a bit right now?