A Conversation for Talking Point: Fattiest Meal Ever
Pasta and cheese sauce
Crickett Started conversation Feb 4, 2009
What's potentially the most fattening meal you ever eat or have eaten?
I should not eat carbs, fat and protein together. So Pasta with a cheese sauce made from high fat cheese and with butter is probably up there as a bad one for me.
Do you eat it regularly as a special treat, or simply out of habit?
I usually have it when i am at home alone, or in need of comfort. It is my ultimate comfort food.
Can you justify having it because of the exercise you take?
Exercise?! What the hell is exercise?!
Did your parents introduce you to it?
Yes. I first ate it in the form of Kraft Macaroni and Cheese - it came from a box, and cheese was this weird kind of powder that glowed orange! I remember it tasted really good. When we moved back to the UK from Canada, Mum made it using pasta twists and a homemade cheese sauce and eh voila, my favourite treat!
Have you tried to stop yourself from eating it but failed?
I have never tried to stop myself eating it, and have no intention of so doing either.
Do you eat lots of small portions of it?
When I make it... I REALLY make it! There are very few reports of any being left over!!
How many calories does it contain?
I have no idea, and I am too scared to think about it!!
Do people eat a lot of it in the place you grew up in?
Mac and Cheese is still popular everywhere isn't it?!
Do you fancy a bit right now?
Good Lord yes!! However I have wholemeal ham rolls and an apple instead. Boo!
Pasta and cheese sauce
perkin2000 Posted Feb 4, 2009
You've made me hungry!
Think I'm going to have some pasta with sheese and smokey bacon when I get home. Mmmmmmm
Pasta and cheese sauce
Malabarista - now with added pony Posted Feb 6, 2009
Cheese *sauce*? Just cheese is fine!
Quick and cheap student meal:
Leftover pasta, frozen peas, plenty of cheese - baked in the toastie maker.
Pasta and cheese sauce
2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side... Posted Feb 7, 2009
last time I did a simple pasta in home mace cheese sauce, I made enough for two meals.
UnHowever; it only ended up being enough for one meal... as after plate full no one.... one went back to get the rest of it damn, and that had to be half a pound of cheese
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Pasta and cheese sauce
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