A Conversation for Planet X

Laser Cannon

Post 1

The Masque of the Red..., Emperor of Planet X

~Inside "The Revelation", the Masque surveys construction of the largest laser cannon ever produced. The plot is revenge. The laser cannon works thus: A single beam, powerful enough to destroy a meteor, is focused at a satelite in orbit around Planet X. The beam is then stenghthened by a mechanism within the satelite and refocused at another satelite in orbit around pluto, where the process repeates through the solar system, as the laser gains power at each satelite until finally a satelite in geosynchonous orbit around the Earth focuses the beam, now at the strength of several atomic bombs, directly at the Bruce Memorial Statue in the center of H2G2. The satelite network is already in place, and the last few adjustments are being made to the Revelation~

Attention workers. This is your commander speaking. All breaks are off until production of the cannon is completed at 42:42:42*. The time is now 33:28:43. That is all

*There are 42 hours in an Xian day

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