A Conversation for The Stretcher

I quit

Post 1

Merry Anne

After much consideration, I have decided that this is not for me after all. I've tried something completely different and and I have to admit that I'm not keen on experiencing this again.
Thanks for letting my try anyway. I have learnt that writing is not for me and will stop doing so forthwith.

The whole point of being anonymous was to find out what people *really* think about my writing. Well, not much as I found out.
Fair enough. Maybe the way I usually write isn't quite as bad, but I don't think I want to take that risk.

Good luck for all of you good writers. smiley - goodluck

I quit

Post 2


I'm confused as to why you want to quit, I've enjoyed your submissions, and would classify you as a 'good writer' too. Anything that I can read, enjoy and learn from, in my opinion, is 'good'. But I'm used to my opinions not being highly regarded when it comes to writing, so just do my own thing and hang the rest smiley - laugh

I think I understand your reasoning for quitting, but am sad about it too. And am still in the dark over your 'true' persona - which perhaps I'd like to be. I enjoyed your candour in PR 'Merry Anne' smiley - smiley

I quit

Post 3


Oh, that's a shame - I do hope you re-consider.

Me, I don't think I'll be able to sustain the time committment, but I wanted to attempt the first 3 challenges before considering my position - if I get the luxury!

I quit

Post 4

Merry Anne

Thanks, Matt. I've always enjoyed reading your entries, so if you say you enjoyed mine, it is high praise indeed, no matter what others think. smiley - smiley

Beatrice, I'm only pre-empting what would have happened anyway. My original aim was to reach the second round. Even without knowing the voting results, I'm sure I've failed.
That's fine, no hard feelings. Just not my cup of tea after all - but I couldn't find out without trying, could I?
I may dip in the AWW from time to time. People there are friendly and relaxed, and helpful. smiley - smiley

I quit

Post 5

Skankyrich [?]

I'm very sad to see you go. And I've deliberately avoided trying to work out who you are - it's been interesting to be able to focus entirely on the writing without having any preconceived notions from the name at the top. Refreshing, in fact.

Thanks for taking the time to take part and, as Matt says, it was great to have your 'candour' in PR. And well done - I'm sure The Stretcher is a big deal for all concerned, and I thought you were doing quite well.

I quit

Post 6

Danny B

I can't add much to what has already been said - sorry to see you drop out and all the best with your future writing smiley - smiley

I quit

Post 7

The Punctuation Police

I couldn't see anything wrong with your writing skills. I just think you picked an unsuitable topic.

I quit

Post 8

Merry Anne

Thank you all, your friendly comments mean a lot to me. smiley - smiley

The topic choice was one I had never even considered without the stretcher. I hadn't expected the dig at the pope to go unquestioned, in fact, I had fully expected it to be yikesed and discussed, but no. smiley - bigeyes
The athephobia thing caused at least some reactions. I was willing to change it, but there were no suggestions. PR sort of failed me here, I feel.

To then see somebody needing a smiley - towel to mop up my blood in PR (no, my name wasn't mentioned, and yes, I know I was meant, I checked the other active PR threads at the time, and mine was the only one with 'negative' feedback) came as a shock (yes, sure I lurked everywhere, what did you think? smiley - winkeye). Although that was all what was said, it made me wonder: did the person who said it actually enjoy it? I certainly had the impression. I don't think that 'letting blood' in PR or anywhere else was what this was all about, but maybe I understood it all wrong. Anyway, I decided that this was not for me, which is why I quit.

I quit

Post 9

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

Oh dear. Lurkers never quite get the full drift. I borrowed the towel to mop up the blood here:


smiley - sadface

I quit

Post 10

Merry Anne

Oh dear, that's a clear case of A11284193 if ever I've seen one. smiley - footinmouth

Hope you'll give me that it was an extremely unlucky coincidence. smiley - blush

Must learn to smiley - lurk properly, or, probably better, back to not smiley - lurking at all.

Anyway, it was just the final straw in an experience I found wasn't quite as expected.

I quit

Post 11

minichessemouse - Ahoy there me barnacle!

so will we ever find out who is hiding behind the mask of Merry Anne?

minismiley - mouse

I quit

Post 12

Merry Anne

I hope not! smiley - yikes

Hard enough to live with the that post above under this moniker.

I quit

Post 13

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

Then I call you a coward, because you seem to be doing your best F115634?thread=6304479 (which you posted after your smiley - lurk accusation here was proved incorrect) to wreck this competition, and to continue stirring up bad feeling is not condusive for making me want to continue taking part.

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