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Til we have built Jerusalem

In England's green and pleasant land.

—William Blake

It seems odd that anybody would want to build Jerusalem in their own country, given Jerusalem's history of war and siege. I've only recently watched a documentary about this fascinating city, and its peace is more than fragile. It must be the city with the highest amount of CCTV cameras worldwide. Then again, CCTV cameras were an unknown technology during Blake's time. The reason I thought of this hymn, however, is not related to the most recent events in Palestine and Israel, which feature various journals and discussions on Ask h2g2. It is much simpler: a friend sent me a link the other day, to something that had been broadcast on BBC Four Radio. The song featured in Anglomania, but unfortunately, it is no longer available for listening to.

How did you spend the 'festive' time? Did you have to work or were you off work and able to relax? I took my sons and went to visit my family. Of the ten days I was away, three were spent travelling because I went to see my parents and my sister and her family. I managed to lurk here a few times while at my sister's, but apart from the usual seasonal journals and the aforementioned discussions about war, h2g2 seems to have been rather quiet.

I stayed in touch with many of my hootoo friends via text messages to and from my mobile phone. Unfortunately, I lost some numbers, probably when I transferred the simcard back into my old mobile because my son wanted to have my new phone. Still, there were many numbers left, and I'm not really looking forward to the next bill, but then it was Christmas and New Year's Eve, and I just felt like sending wishes to my friends.

Do/did you have New Year's resolutions? I don't recall having ever had any, but then my memory isn't what it used to be. I've seen a few journals in a very positive spirit, which was uplifting. I'm glad I didn't write a seasonal journal, it would possibly have been rather negative because that's what often tends to stay in mind. However, there were just as many positive things, one of which in specific makes up for all the negative things that I had to put up with, so I am grateful.

I think 2009 is going to be a fantastic year (even if maybe not financially), with various h2g2 meets being planned. I'm really looking forward to meeting my friends in May for the h2g2 London Spring Meet. We have some great new challenges here in the Post, not to forget the long-standing Entry of the Month. It is an interesting phenomenon: I've often seen people 'predict' this or that entry would win the EotM while commenting in Peer Review. The last time this happened, I was rather surprised because the Researcher who said this hasn't voted for any EotM ever. Just how do people think 'their' favourite entry will win if they don't go and vote for it? It's a mystery. It is not sufficient to predict a winner, peeps, you'll have to go and make sure it wins by voting.

Talking of predictions: the Deathlist Game 2009 is still open to submissions until 10 January (this year!). In case you are interested in taking part (not on the Deathlist itself, you have to be famous for that), you can sign up in the official thread.

I wish you all a happy and healthy 2009!

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