A Conversation for The Dicelife - Abandoned

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Post 1


I've been doing this for most of my life (29 years), but with a coin. Most decisions I have to make are the "one or the other" type. I've ben flipping coins ever since I had coins to flip. I didn't know that everyone else didn't. If anyone want's to know why I decided to take up the anti-moderation banner they can blame the coins.

smiley - doctor

dang coins!

Post 2

Martin Harper

Nope: it appears that most people make their decisions by carefully considering their options, judging the benefits, and finally shagging the person with the bigger breasts... smiley - smiley

Glad to see you got your name back smiley - biggrin

dang coins!

Post 3


Ah, so that's where I'm going wrong. I need bigger breasts!

DrGoofLithium *Supprised not to see the c****lingus smilie smiley - tickle more often*

dang coins!

Post 4

I'm not really here

Do you know, I'd never thought of that smiley as being that, rather than a tickle. I'll never be able to see it in the same way now. smiley - bigeyes
I might take up roling dice, sometimes I don't know what I want to do until I actually do it. Auto-pilot I call it. Dice seems so much more scientific. And I've got lots of many sided dice to help out. smiley - smiley

dang coins!

Post 5


damn! snake eyes

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