A Conversation for Dyslexia
BigAl Patron Saint of Left Handers Keeper of the Glowing Pickle and Monobrows Started conversation Jul 11, 2004
Business: Richard Branson
Mention co-morbidity with conditions such as ADHD, Asperger's.
This klooks a very useful article. Have you considered updating uit (your details) and entering it for Peer Review?
dolfrog Posted May 12, 2006
Dyslexia is not a condition in its own right.
Dyslexia is a problems with reading, writing, and spelling, noth more or nothing less. And as such is a symptom of one or more underlying contrbutory conditions or factors. This include ADHD, Aspergers, APD, Mears Irlen, and many more contributory issues.
dyslexia is only the initial beacon that hightlights that need for further inverstigation to find the underlying causes of the individuals dyslexic symptoms.
The mythical Condition of dyslexia was the creation of the BDA and others who had not rweal understanding of the undrlyng causes, and it also helped increase their levels of self importance.
It also creates the mess that allows the emergance of miracle cures that have very little scientific origin, or rigorous scientific peer review
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