A Conversation for Talking About the Guide - the h2g2 Community

Where can I...

Post 1


... find a list over the Conversation Forums? =/

Peeking around all over, and I found Games Room and MisChat, but can't seem to find a place to see an overview or list over all the different forums. =/ I only found the other ones by seeing who is online, click a person, then go through their recent discussions thing =p

*ponders and lost and needs guidance*

Where can I...

Post 2

Mr Jack

Somewhere on your screen [depends on which skin your using] there should be a 'Talk' button, a 'Contribute' button and links called 'Life', 'The Universe' and 'Everything'...

At the bottom of all the various forums is a 'Subscribe' device that means all new conversation started on that page automatically appear in your conversation list and a similar one at the end of all the individual threads...

smiley - ok

Where can I...

Post 3

kea ~ Far out in the uncharted backwaters of the unfashionable end of the western spiral arm of the Galaxy lies a small, unregarded but very well read blue and white website

>>but can't seem to find a place to see an overview or list over all the different forums<<

If you mean the Official Forums, there's a list on the <./>Front Page</.>

If you mean is there a list showing some kind of coherence about all the forums on h2 you're out of luck smiley - biggrin H2 is notoriously difficult to have a big picture of. I've been here 2 1/2 years and I still find new places to explore.

As just mentioned there is a categorisation system for the Edited Guide and conversations associated with them.

<./>Help</.> is a good place to look - there is a guided tour that gives a bit of a sense of how h2 works.

I found it very helpful to expore the official links (they're on every page) systematically. You learn where things are on h2 by using the place.

If you have specific kinds of places in mind, post them here and people can provide suggestions and links.

Where can I...

Post 4

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

heck I've been here nearly five years in various incarnations and I still can't find the log out button smiley - winkeye but, seriously; the important thing to remember here is taht antying* can become a forum; someones personal space, the offical places like 'ask H2G2', 'the forum', 'science explained' etc., etc., plus any guide entry on whatever it is that its written about; can become a forum; just click 'discuss' at the bottom on an entry you'd like to make a coment about, and yo, thats a forum! smiley - weird : of course; as this make the plce so so so so big, you can't guarentee anyone is gona pick up you've discuesed and entry, as they might well, just not notice! smiley - cool ask and misc chat are good places to start on teh community side, then as you start to know people, just haras them, and have a look at their Peronsal space ( PS) smiley - cool

Oh, I know this one, I know this one!

Post 5


A place where you can see all the different forums in a list is if you go to preferences and switch the user-skin to "classic goo" then click on "talk."
-Thornsmiley - wizard

Oh, I know this one, I know this one!

Post 6


Thanks alot guys! New to the forums here, and I see a list over differrent threads when I hit the conversation list. Thats why I wondered if there was something similar for the forums themselves. You've all been really helpful! Thanks much! =D

Oh, I know this one, I know this one!

Post 7


And, in case You weren't joking, the smiley - wizard's revelation to the royalty is that the log-out button thingy...um, sign out thing, @ least I know is right next to the "retrieve my detains tab-looking thingy near the top when you choose Brunel for user-skin from the "Preferences".

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