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Carlito Posted Oct 24, 2006
anyone know if Cyber Sunday is Sky Sports or Box Office.
Guys, which face would make the best heel.
and which heel would make the best face?
Shez's Blue Army Posted Oct 24, 2006
.i have another question i was playing royal rumble the other day the md version through the pc - can anyone remember how u throw them out .......sorry to go off topic for a min but have any of you guys got\played football manager 07
Carlito Posted Oct 24, 2006
yeah definately. cant think of a heel who plays a face that much better. booker i think.
orton was great when he was a face, especially in the survivor series match in 2004. but plays a heel alot better. learned well from HHH on how not to care obviously.
Talking about the SS match, what ever happened to Maven?
Shelton Benjamin plays a face better too. remember when he was drafted to Raw and beat HHH every week. lol. quality.
Carlito Posted Oct 24, 2006
cant help on the royal rumble question gr8one. sorry. looked at football manager, but i'm not sure. PRO EVO however. i'm camping out on friday!! can't wait for that!
but we best stop talking about this, batista will go mad!
The_Animal_Batista_Unleashed Posted Oct 24, 2006
I play Footy Manager 06, Pro Evo, FIFA loads. Feel free to discuss it.
I have no clue about where Cyber Sunday will be shown.
Maven was just released i think. Didnt he eliminate Take in 02 RR??
The_Animal_Batista_Unleashed Posted Oct 24, 2006
You have to have like Big Show and if ur lucky theyll do a certain grapple and u can chuck them out. its hard.
Saying that i won from no 3 with Charlie Haas!
The GM mode, does anyone feel that we who buy the game should be able to decide on the key features of the matches, say finishers used when and length of match and more importantly who wins! Say I wnat Randy Orton to hold the WHC for ages but I put his title on the line for popularitys sake at a PPV against a JBL or Eddie Guerrero and he Loses! Its not fair, if we're GM and cba to play the match because you get less stars for it, unless ur skits and play 2player. its really annoying!! Does anyone agree??
Shez's Blue Army Posted Oct 24, 2006
Yeah but then did'nt he get battered round the area lol - Batista if you have played fm07 - does it seem glitchy with loads of player profile not updated
Carlito Posted Oct 24, 2006
i meant discuss non-wrestling batista. lol.
yeah he did, but i dunno if it was 02. thought it was later than that. he had potential, and to be in the SS Main Event was brilliant for him.
Who was in it?
HHH/Batista cant remember the others. dont think flair fought.
U4750185 Posted Oct 24, 2006
Talking about General Mansger for RAW.
Do guys remember when Bishoff was GM and he took a month off.
It was just before the Survivor series and Bishoff made a match and the four members of the winning team will be GM for a week.
I think the team that won were, Maven, HBK, Benoit and Y2J.
And they all gave themselve title matches!!
Carlito Posted Oct 24, 2006
no that is the match i'm talking about. it was orton not hbk.
they faced HHH, batista and some others and each got a week as GM. when HHH tried to get Maven to join evolution.
An yes, they all gave themselves a title match. and all lost
Mr X (under cover NTO) Posted Oct 24, 2006
Cyber Sunday will be shown on Sky sports, so the following PPV (Survivor Series) will be shown on Sky boxoffice.
Carlito Posted Oct 24, 2006
cheers rebs.
So IC Match added and Tag Titles.
Bit annoyed at Carlito going back to IC level. he hasnt moved up since he started. and he won the thing on his Raw Debut!!
Mr X (under cover NTO) Posted Oct 24, 2006
And Carlito we can vote for who faces Umaga (Kane, Sandman or Chris Beniote)
Carlito Posted Oct 24, 2006
And why is Ric Flair gonna fight for the Tag Titles. they have to lose because whatever legend gets voted, will not then stay on raw every week to defend.
the umaga match will be against benoit wont it. but he'll lose to umaga.
i think the sandman would give a great match, but most narrow minded WWE fans would never dream of voting him.
Mr X (under cover NTO) Posted Oct 24, 2006
True, i reckon Kane myself as he would beat Umaga.
Carlito Posted Oct 24, 2006
possibly. sandman would just be a more interesting match for me. kane has fought him before, and benoit would just get beaten up. Cyber Sunday is looking boring. instead of stipulations, there just all pick opponents, making lots of boring standard matches.
Mr X (under cover NTO) Posted Oct 24, 2006
I agree, but out of the 3, Kane would be the only one likely to beat Umaga as he has lost twice to him already. BTW i reckon Rey Mysterio is going back to ECW.
Key: Complain about this post
- 41: Carlito (Oct 24, 2006)
- 42: U4750185 (Oct 24, 2006)
- 43: Shez's Blue Army (Oct 24, 2006)
- 44: Carlito (Oct 24, 2006)
- 45: Carlito (Oct 24, 2006)
- 46: The_Animal_Batista_Unleashed (Oct 24, 2006)
- 47: The_Animal_Batista_Unleashed (Oct 24, 2006)
- 48: Shez's Blue Army (Oct 24, 2006)
- 49: Carlito (Oct 24, 2006)
- 50: U4750185 (Oct 24, 2006)
- 51: Carlito (Oct 24, 2006)
- 52: Mr X (under cover NTO) (Oct 24, 2006)
- 53: Carlito (Oct 24, 2006)
- 54: Mr X (under cover NTO) (Oct 24, 2006)
- 55: Carlito (Oct 24, 2006)
- 56: Mr X (under cover NTO) (Oct 24, 2006)
- 57: Carlito (Oct 24, 2006)
- 58: TRiG (Ireland) A dog, so bade in office (Oct 24, 2006)
- 59: Mr X (under cover NTO) (Oct 24, 2006)
- 60: Mr X (under cover NTO) (Oct 24, 2006)
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