A Conversation for Leonard Cheshire, 1917-1992
Sue Ryder
Arctica Started conversation Nov 24, 2000
Sue Ryder actually died a few weeks ago. She had recently retired from her position at the head of the Sue Ryder foundation and was greatly upset to see the direction it then took. Anyway, I know it's a little late to mention all this, but I only just noticed this entry.
Sue Ryder
Just zis Guy, you know? † Cyclist [A690572] :: At the 51st centile of ursine intelligence Posted Nov 24, 2000
I heard this myself about two days ago. Thanks, I'll update the entry.
Leonard Cheshire
PeterM Posted May 24, 2001
If you're revising the site do look at the revamped Leonard Cheshire Foundation site @ [URL removed by moderator]it has much more information now about the man and the charity.
Leonard Cheshire
Just zis Guy, you know? † Cyclist [A690572] :: At the 51st centile of ursine intelligence Posted May 28, 2001
email me the link please - [email protected] (will probably get nobbled, mind you). I've visited about ten Cheshire foundation sites, and I revisited them recently and found no significanrt changes since I wrote the article. I'd like to see what they've written.
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Sue Ryder
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