A Conversation for The Cranky Gardener

The Great Wall of Ozarks, eh?

Post 1


Can you see that from space?
Well can you at least see it from t' kill or Possum Bluff?

Good to see these coming back, H smiley - hug

smiley - blacksheep

The Great Wall of Ozarks, eh?

Post 2


It is so named because it sort of rises and falls as it goes over roughish terraine as a result of my being too lazy to spend a long time leveling the ground. smiley - erm And it would have taken a long time. Besides, the slight irregularity gives it character.

I don't know if you can see it from space or not.

smiley - eureka Why don't we strap a rocket to your back and you can let us all know. smiley - evilgrin


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The Great Wall of Ozarks, eh?

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