A Conversation for The Cranky Gardener

*waves to Hypatia*

Post 1


I'm really happy to see The Cranky Gardener again and am looking forward to reading about container gardening - these days I'm stuck with doing my gardening on a balcony...


*waves to Hypatia*

Post 2


Hi quizzical. I'm glad the timing of the container garden series is good for you. I've seen some really lovely balcony gardens. Are you growing ornamentals or herbs or what? And are there any particular questions you have about container gardening?


*waves to Hypatia*

Post 3


At the moment I'm growing a 5-ft tall maple tree that sprouted beneath a geranium last summer. smiley - smiley

I also grow tomatoes and peppers and would like to branch out a bit - maybe some interesting salad greens or strawberries. I'm just not sure what sorts of plants are suitable and what kinds of issues arise. My balcony faces north-west, so it doesn't get enough sun, but eventually I'm going to buy another condo with a sunny deck/patio or a sunroom.

('My kingdom for a passive solar house.')

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