A Conversation for The Alabaster House

President's Secretary's Office

Post 441


*presses different button*

*lasagne hits Peregrin in the face*


Sorry, blame the stupid machine.

President's Secretary's Office

Post 442


FOODFIGHT!!!!! *throws smiley - flan at Baldrick*

President's Secretary's Office

Post 443


* quickly creates a lot of smiley - flans and starts throwing them at anyone in sight *

President's Secretary's Office

Post 444

Tinkerbell *tumbleweed*

Mmmm quiche smiley - winkeye
*catches a quiche and eats it*
Do you still need a recipe for lasagne?

President's Secretary's Office

Post 445


Yeah... a vague one telling me what's in it and how it goes together... nothing fancy.

It's just I like lasagne but have no idea about how to make it smiley - smiley

President's Secretary's Office

Post 446


Oh actually I've just found a recipe on one of those online food sites so no need to bother, thanks smiley - smiley

(unless you've got a really good recipe passed down from your great-great-great-grandmother's great aunt or something)

President's Secretary's Office

Post 447


*the old flying modified cannon approackes and hovers at the window*

*it fires plenty of food at Peregrin and retreats*

I've got this recipe for Pan-Galactic Gargle-Blasters with an added kick to them - supposedly drunk by Zaphod Beeblebrox himself at Milliways. As the Book might say, 'this version is like having your brains bashed out by seven slices of lemon around seven gold bricks'.

President's Secretary's Office

Post 448


*throws smiley - tomato at Baldrick's nose*

President's Secretary's Office

Post 449


* throws a Pan Galactic Gargle Blaster at Peregrin *

President's Secretary's Office

Post 450

Tinkerbell *tumbleweed*

*sits quietly eating a packet of pink wafer biscuits she just found on her bookcase*
I have a very good recipe for lasagne but it has no recipe written down as when I cook I make it up as I go along but if you like spinach and aubergine and nutmeg and stuff then I can write it down...

President's Secretary's Office

Post 451


Meat Lasagne - the non-authentic way:

- Take 1 jar of ready-made bolognese sauce and some mince. Cook them, in a saucepan or the microwave.
- Make a jug of cheese sauce
- Put some of the meat and bolognese sauce in the bottom of an oven dish
- Put a layer or two of lasagne on top
- Pour on some cheese sauce
- Repeat until it's all gone, finishing with cheese sauce and some grated cheese
- Bake
- Eat
- Get fat

President's Secretary's Office

Post 452

Tinkerbell *tumbleweed*

But you've got to make the cheese sauce properly with a Roo...
*bounces like Roo*
And you should really make the tomato sauce mixture yourself as it tastes so much better that way especially if you use fresh Oregano and Basil... Ooh and if you put spinach in between the lasagne layers then it's also yummy but...
*decides to go and write down here recipe*

President's Secretary's Office

Post 453


Spinach? Noo!

And that's the way my Mum makes it and it's gorgeous. So there. It's not the way Frogstar's dad makes it though - he's Italian. It's nearly 100% pasta - yum!

President's Secretary's Office

Post 454


Mmmmm, fresh pasta. smiley - biggrin Ever been to Italy? Memories of the food there are making my mouth water now!

President's Secretary's Office

Post 455


I've not, but I've stayed with Frogstar's family in Belgium and so eaten his Dad's cooking... and his Mum's (she's German). Most of it's yummy, but next time I go I must remember to tell them I don't like fish...

President's Secretary's Office

Post 456

Tinkerbell *tumbleweed*

How can you not like spinach??? It's lovely smiley - smiley
*remembers the food when she went to Germany*
Mmmmmm...cheese sandwiches for breakfast smiley - smiley

President's Secretary's Office

Post 457


*eats vitamin pills for breakfast*

President's Secretary's Office

Post 458


I'm having breakfast now, having overslept significantly. Crunchy Nut Cornflakes and Apple Juice...

President's Secretary's Office

Post 459


I've overslept significantly too, and it's 8am. (there is logic to that...) I may even have got back into a 'normal' sleeping routine!

President's Secretary's Office

Post 460


Yay! I woke up at 9am this morning, and am now having breakfast again. h2g2 and breakfast... the perfect morning combination.

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