The Confederated Cities of Nahb'nik'lift

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A loose alliance of Tiefling City-States that are on the main continent, which the Tieflings call Nahb'nik'lift.

Governmental Structure

The government of the Confederacy consists of a small group of men, who usually obtain their status on the battlefield or in another leadership possition, and act as consultants to the Emporor, who is in actuality the current ruler of the most powerful City-State1. Because of this method of ascention to power it is not suprising that the Confederacy has gone through several periods of civil war. What is suprising is that the civil wars are infrequent and the position of power is relatively stable. This could be due to the fact that over the last milenia or so the majority of Emporors have been relatively popular, thus providing additional support for the leading city-state. The job of the Emporor is to direct the City-States as a, more of less, single body. Even so there are considerable differences in law and leadership throughout the Confederacy, especially as one gets further from the leading city.

The most contriversial topic throughout the confederacy is that of human-tiefling marriage. The stance on this ranges from accepting of the marriages to the act carrying a penalty of death.


Nahb'nik'lift T'reh2

The key Tiefling city on the main continent, situated in the north atop a plateue that overlooks a slow erupting volcano3 named Sleh Rehg'Nif. The famous hot springs in the area attract Tieflings from accross the world. The City-State of Nahb'nik'lift T'reh became the leading city approximately 200 years ago and, thus, houses the Confederacy's leaders as well as an extensive library of magical spells. The position regarding the legality of human-tiefling marrage creates a dangerous and unpredictable environment for those quarter demons who live here as the city's stance changes daily.



Ruins of Gyst'Nitsah

Destroyed some fourty-five year ago by numerous waves of small human armies. Rumor has it that the the attacks began when the tiefling wife of a high ranking human was executed for her marrage to a human.

1currently Nahb'nik'lift T'reh2T'reh is the tiefling word for city3a volcano that constantly bubles lava, but does not explosively erupt, much like those found in Hawaii

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