Nahb'nik'lift T'reh

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The key Tiefling city on the main continent, situated in the north atop a plateau that overlooks a slow erupting volcano3 named Sleh Rehg'Nif. The famous hot springs in the area attract Tieflings from across the world. The City-State of Nahb'nik'lift T'reh became the leading city approximately 200 years ago and, thus, houses the Confederacy's leaders as well as an extensive library of magical spells. The position regarding the legality of human-tiefling marriage creates a dangerous and unpredictable environment for those quarter demons who live here as the city's stance changes daily.


City Gates
Palace and Council Estate Complex
Hot Springs

Centers of Learning


Life Spells

Level Cap1:0
  • Heal

    Spell Points: 0

    Heals a small wound, like a knife cut.
  • Water Spells

    Level Cap:2
  • Ice Spear

    Spell Points: 2


    Launches a spear of hardened ice.
  • Water Spout

    Spell Points: 1

    Conjures a powerful spout of water to erupt from below.
  • Death Spells

    Level Cap: None
  • Animate Dead

    Spell Points:5

    Animates the corpse of any organism nearby, and is controlled by the caster. If no corpse is nearby, a skeleton is summoned. Once it is destroyed, it cannot be reanimated again
  • Afflict

    Spell Points:3

    Infects the target with a nasty disease, which can last from 10-12 posts. Nothing life-threatening.
  • Banish

    Spell Points:5

    Whisks any NPC or summoned creature away to the nether realms.
  • Bone Armour

    Spell Points:

    (1) Bone Helm

    (1) Bone Gauntlets

    (2) Bone Boots

    (2) Bone Leggings

    (3) Bone Breastplate

    Conjures different pieces of armour made from human bones. They are as strong as most steel.
  • Bone Spear

    Spell Points:2

    Conjures a spear made from human bones. (7/8/10)
  • Blind

    Spell Points:3

    Inflicts blindness on a target for 4 posts.
  • Cause Pain

    Spell Points:4

    Ignites excruciating pain in a target.
  • Choke

    Spell Points:2

    Constricts the airways of target creature, drawing air from their bodies.
  • Consume Spirit

    Spell Points:5

    Consumes the spirit of targeted NPC or summoned creature, which then strengthens the caster.
  • Craxus' Blood Armour

    Spell Points:5

    Summons blackened, blood-soaked steel plate armour. This armour, cooled from its forging in the blood of the innocent, can turn many blades and absorbs many low-level spells directed at its wearer (Levels 0-1). (12/14/17)
  • Darkness

    Spell Points:2

    A shroud of darkness settles over the area for 10 turns.
  • Death Bomb

    Spell Points:2

    Calls down a two meter wide orb of explosive dark energy.
  • Drain Life

    Spell Points:5

    Weakens the target slowly, strengthening the caster.
  • Graspin Skeletal Hands

    Spell Points:5

    Summons skeletal hands from the ground, which grasp and grab whatever is within their reach. They are not too sturdy, but have vice-like grips.
  • Paralyze

    Spell Points:4
    Paralysis locks the muscles of the target for two turns.
  • Fire Spells

    Level Cap: 3
  • Energy Shield

    Spell Points:2

    Creates an orb that surrounds the user. This can absorb magical, psi, and chi attacks. It will absorb one attack before failing.
  • Fireball

    Spell Points:

    (1) 1 Meter across

    (2) 3 Meters across

    (3) 5 Meters across

    Summons a whirling ball of explosive flame. It's size depends on its level.
  • Flame Whip

    Spell Points:2

    Summons a flame whip. (6/7/10)
  • Lightning Bolt

    Spell Points:2

    Calls down a bolt of lightning.
  • Nature Spells

    Level Cap: 1
  • Hobble

    Spell Points:1

    Gives the target a limp for two posts.
  • Refresh

    Spell Points:0

    Removes weariness and fatigue from the target.
  • Labs


    Level Cap: 2
  • Aerokinesis

    Psi Latency:1

    The user can manipulate wind and the air to create strong winds and gales.
  • Flash

    Psi Latency:1

    The user focuses their mental power into generating a brilliant flash of light. Blinding for two turns, against light-sensitive it is disorienting and causes nausea.
  • Gravity Well
    Psi Latancy:2

    Focuses gravity at a certain area, pulling in small items and making it harder to move away.
  • Psionic Blade
    Psi Latancy:1

    A blade of cutting Psi energy projects from above the wrist out over the hand. This blade is capable of cutting though many soft metals.
  • Telekinesis
    Psi Latancy:1

    The user can use his mental powers to lift an object without touching it, even great weights from great distances.
  • Telepathy
    Psi Latancy:1

    The user can read a person's thoughts and communicate with them mentally.
  • Dojo

    Chi Abilities

    Level Cap: 1
  • Deflect Arrows
    Chi Points:1

    By focusing your Chi on your own reflexes, you gain the ability to turn aside arrows with your bare hands.
  • Force of Will
    Chi Points:1

    Through a surge of will, you can recover from a debilitating effect.
  • Meditate
    Chi Points:1

    By going into a calm, near trance-like state, you can regenerate light wounds and increase your own perception of the world.
  • The Confederated Cities of Nahb'nik'lift

    1Maximum spell level of this type in library

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