Announcements: Births, Marriages, MEETS etc
Created | Updated Jun 21, 2003

Make Your Announcements Here
The arrangements for the Dutch Meet are now well under way. The Hot-off-the-Press news is that Mark, Abi and Peta will all be in attendance! Please visit Here to find out more!
h2g2 Muses
A new community has being founded Here
If you fancy joining up as a Muse, please pop along and put your name down!
h2g2 Cricket Team
The arrangements for the new h2g2 are now well underway. Please visit the Cricket Pitch for more details.
The h2g2 Realisation Project
You may or may not know that there is a new project starting on h2g2: The h2g2 Realisation Project.
In a nutshell, The Big C and a big team of artists, modellers, researchers, and whatever, are going to render h2g2 in 3D, for the Half-Life multiplayer. It's a huge undertaking, and I know lots of people out there would be interested! :-)
The h2g2 Realisation Project can be accessed HERE.
All entries to this feature should be mailed toshazzPRME. Please mark the subject 'Announcements'.