A Conversation for The Crossed Purposes Pub

Crossed Purposes - February 2006

Post 21


smiley - laugh
or hit your head like a bunch of fives smiley - winkeye

smiley - dog TBIF !!

Crossed Purposes - February 2006

Post 22


Grapes of Wrath?

'Old Steinbeck Brand VSOP' perhaps?smiley - laugh

Crossed Purposes - February 2006

Post 23

Pierre de la Mer ~ sometimes slightly worried but never panicking ~

nah, american steinbeck brandy always reminds me of the winter of my discontent smiley - cry

smiley - pirate

Crossed Purposes - February 2006

Post 24

Pandora...Born Again Tart

......smiley - ermwhat a loooooooong winter it was.......smiley - snowball
smiley - bigeyesHere, try some of my 'hopeless'smiley - alesmiley - cheers

...*looks over at Derby...whispers to mari-rae....*i'd like to peal some of that off mesmiley - bigeyes.....go on mari.....move over a seat so I can get in closer. smiley - angel

Crossed Purposes - February 2006

Post 25


Ohh! Why do I shiver, so? Why is this powerful smiley - ale having a 'strange' effect on me? Why do I keep trying to remember what an aphrodisiac tastes like? Why is the fair Mistress Pandora smiley - diva making those smiley - bigeyes at me?

Ahh! NOW I know what a hamburger feels like on the Fourth of July!

Yummy......................smiley - smooch

Has anyone got a pillow? For some strange reason I feel like committing a daring act, like ripping the 'WARNING' label off with my teeth!smiley - winkeye

Crossed Purposes - February 2006

Post 26

Pandora...Born Again Tart

smiley - headhurts

smiley - crossCRIMINAL ~!!!!!!

smiley - biggrin I like that in an man ... smiley - bigeyes ...*goes over to the juke box and hits it with her hip...Ozzy Osbourne's, 'Coming Home' plays...*smiley - musicalnote...I've been a bad, bad booooy ... no use trying to change me ... it's something that I adore...
smiley - musicalnote
smiley - droolI jusssss love bad boys. smiley - bigeyes

smiley - tongueout My Blue Goo Couch has several tags on it's pillows. smiley - zenGo on Derby, knock yourself out. Just leave a bit of room for me when I'm ready for a wee nap ... one of those short four or five day naps I'm always taking. smiley - kisssmiley - winkeye

...*rubs her hip...* Yo' mari!? I think I might have an idea how/why your hip went wonky. smiley - sadfacesmiley - puff.... smiley - divaSome things are jussss worth the pain. Or not.

Crossed Purposes - February 2006

Post 27

Pierre de la Mer ~ sometimes slightly worried but never panicking ~

i don't dance - but i take an occasional smiley - stiffdrink

smiley - pirate

Crossed Purposes - February 2006

Post 28


smiley - erm does your peg leg fit over the smiley - pony ok?

smiley - dog forgotten what's going on in here smiley - doh

Crossed Purposes - February 2006

Post 29


*Stands out of the way of Pandora and dsl who are ripping off warning labels on pillows with their teeth and making smiley - bigeyes at each other. Hobbles over to Shirps and lends her her secret smiley - witch recipe book.*

Most of the ingredients for these recipes are easy to find, but there are one or two items that are rather difficult. Like the smiley - footprints of an smiley - elf. That's NOT on the shelf at Somerfields...no surprise. The smiley - dragon fewmets are for the smiley - love potion recipe. You can find those behind any smiley - dragon you might meet.

Crossed Purposes - February 2006

Post 30


smiley - wow Mari ... smiley - ta ... what an honour! I won't let anyone else peep inside - promise smiley - ok

Now, are there any ingredients that I should really be careful about? Or can I just "go for it"? smiley - evilgrin

smiley - dog rubbing paws together while glancing through the smiley - witch recipe book ...

Crossed Purposes - February 2006

Post 31


Talking of ingredients - if you can't get fresh bats' blood, you can substitute dried ... smiley - silly

Crossed Purposes - February 2006

Post 32


Thanks Kes smiley - ok Any more tips gratefully received ... afterall I'm only learning & there may be ... smiley - erm ... a few mistakes smiley - whistle

smiley - dog looking for cauldron ...

Crossed Purposes - February 2006

Post 33

Pierre de la Mer ~ sometimes slightly worried but never panicking ~

::hides his special peg leg made of splinters from the holy cross::

smiley - pirate

Crossed Purposes - February 2006

Post 34


... sniff ... sniff ... looks for wholly peg leg - I've got the splinters already I think smiley - winkeye

smiley - dogsmiley - cheers

Crossed Purposes - February 2006

Post 35


*Drags the cauldron out of the fireplace and polishes it up.*

Here you are, Shirps. Obviously, giant's belly button fluff is going to be difficult, but fortunately not many recipes call for that. I'd say you can just go for it. smiley - smiley

What were you thinking of making? A potion? A spell? Dessert?

smiley - biggrin

Crossed Purposes - February 2006

Post 36


hmm, thinking hard, a spell could be fun ... maybe to change everyone's character? smiley - evilgrin

smiley - dog tips some bat's blood into cauldron along with a sprinkling of badger's droppings ...

Crossed Purposes - February 2006

Post 37

Pierre de la Mer ~ sometimes slightly worried but never panicking ~

now *that* dessert is *guaranteed* to change everyone's character, i'm sure smiley - erm

smiley - pirate

Crossed Purposes - February 2006

Post 38


Ooohh! I'm feeling all wobbly! It must be that cocktail that the nice mari- lady gave me. That and the smiley - bigeyes that are growing bigger, and bigger, and bigger.................smiley - blush

Crossed Purposes - February 2006

Post 39


Oh! I just found some smiley - fairy teeth on the window sill - nasty sharp little things - & what have we here in the deep freezer - a dodo's brain completely intact smiley - wow

In they go with a bit of Rosemary (I know she's quite popular) - it's down to simmering again, must be the cold brain ... turns the flames up in the fireplace (just a little bit of gunpowder tea should do that nicely) ... walks down into the cellar ... returns with a bottle of vintage "Count Vlad's" smiley - redwine - that should have matured nicely - in it goes (hopes the blood types will mix OK)

Well, give it about an hour, then help yourselves smiley - ok

smiley - dog reclines on couch resting paws & watches smiley - bigeyes

Crossed Purposes - February 2006

Post 40


This stuff isn't like the cauldron of 'soup' in 'the Scottish play', is it??smiley - silly

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