A Conversation for The Crossed Purposes Pub

Crossed Purposes: July 2001

Post 561

Dragonfly. "A poet can survive everything but a misprint"-- Oscar Wilde

smiley - laugh

....triple chocolate milk!?? ...sounds almost lethal...

Crossed Purposes: July 2001

Post 562

Researcher 168814

What amount of cocoa has it got? 30%, 40% or higher???

Crossed Purposes: July 2001

Post 563

Pandora...Born Again Tart

Wish I could take you all to Washington D.C....Union Station has a place called:'Death By Chocolate'....smiley - ok You get a pot of tea & free ani-acids with your order. smiley - biggrin Layers of white & milk chocolate brownies, with hot fudge & cherries, *hic* topped by strawberries & sprinkles.smiley - cool *checks the scale & sees she's gained 3 pounds just remembering*smiley - runs to the pool. smiley - cool

Crossed Purposes: July 2001

Post 564


smiley - bigeyes

Crossed Purposes: July 2001

Post 565

Pandora...Born Again Tart

*passes a white & milk coccy gormet brownie under St. H.'s nose* smiley - biggrin

Crossed Purposes: July 2001

Post 566

Spass an der Freud

Hi !

I'm new here, so I just read part of the backlog and it seemed to me that you are all a bunch of chocolat- and cheesecake-junkies.
Well, I'm a beer drinker (I'm German, you see) and wanted to say that cheesecake goes just fine with beer. In fact, I think anything goes fine with beer.

Crossed Purposes: July 2001

Post 567

Researcher 168814

smiley - biggrin Spass an der Freud, how about founding the "Unified church of Beer, Hot Chochlate and Cheescake". This would mean the end of a lot of bickering, and the start of a lot of new fights.

I have the experienve of cheesecake in Germany, too, as I live in the black forrest, but I am not quite certain yet if american samples would run as cheesecake in our region...

OH! We haven´t had a foodfight here for long enough!!!

smiley - runsmiley - tomatosmiley - silly I had a hit on the jukebox!!!

*Jukebox starts playing: One for the money, two for the show...*

Crossed Purposes: July 2001

Post 568


*opens slowly one eye, it follows chocolate milk on the one side and beer on the other side, suddenly...*
...smiley - tomato

Crossed Purposes: July 2001

Post 569

Researcher 168814

*Some part of E coming from the Kitchen...*

Here! I´ve brought some Black Forrest Gateux to enrich this place with callories why not take a pie...smiley - tomatosmiley - yikes

Crossed Purposes: July 2001

Post 570


smiley - flansmiley - run

Crossed Purposes: July 2001

Post 571

Researcher 168814

smiley - runsmiley - flansmiley - yikessmiley - runsmiley - donutsmiley - cheerssmiley - stoutsmiley - run

.....smiley - tomato

Crossed Purposes: July 2001

Post 572


Haa! Gotcha!
smiley - cheerssmiley - ale

Crossed Purposes: July 2001

Post 573

Researcher 168814

*E stocks up on smiley - donuts and smiley - tomatos behind the bar*

Gotcha allright! smiley - cheerssmiley - ale!!! THIS IS IT!

smiley - donutsmiley - donutsmiley - donutsmiley - donutsmiley - donutsmiley - donutsmiley - donutsmiley - donut

Crossed Purposes: July 2001

Post 574


*hides herself under the table and tries to catch the flying smiley - donut, after some success munching is heard under the table*
Any more smiley - ale around??

Crossed Purposes: July 2001

Post 575

E´s alter ego-|-04.04.02

NO, E, this is it!smiley - stout

*Throws smiley - tomato from the back at Hati*

....................................smiley - tomato

Crossed Purposes: July 2001

Post 576


Hey! That nearly knocked my smiley - ale over! Take that! smiley - flan ....and that smiley - tomato

Crossed Purposes: July 2001

Post 577

Kumetanzuka the capricious

Hey Sultandude, here!

*throws her last plomb in the vague direction of where she thought she last saw one of Sultandude, but falls off the stool with the effort*

Oh... sorry Kes... did I... take yer spot? D'ya mind... I'll just be a little bit then ye c'n hav'it back...

Crossed Purposes: July 2001

Post 578

Dragonfly. "A poet can survive everything but a misprint"-- Oscar Wilde


Crossed Purposes: July 2001

Post 579

Pandora...Born Again Tart

* hauls out the buckets & mops. holding a remote control device
she presses an button and from the darkest corner of the Pub, a man-size robot comes rolling out...whiskbroom rollers!* E? Since this robot is made of Leggos, I thought you might like to be the 1st to use it. Besides, you know how Kaisa likes the Pub to look! This blue button makes him go forward...I haven't a clue what the other buttons do. Good luck.*waves at the Newbie* smiley - runWelcome...smiley - biggrin

Crossed Purposes: July 2001

Post 580


*The cleaning legobot whoooshes past Kes, who looks down at his shoes .... now polished so highly that he can see his face in them*
Shame about that! They were a lovely pair of suede shoes! I wonder if the red button stops it?

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