A Conversation for Nose Hairs

A427754 - Nose Hairs

Post 1

Hawley Smoot


It is what it would seem to be. A concise but accurate description of those little hairs in your nose and what is to be done about them.

A427754 - Nose Hairs

Post 2

a girl called Ben

It made me smile, and my eyes water in sympathy. I guess its the make equivalent of the bikini wax.

A427754 - Nose Hairs

Post 3

Hawley Smoot

Thanks! My first effort in almost a year, and I manage to bridge the gender gap. Bravo me! Ok, I'm not arrogant, really.

Maybe I ought to have made a link between the art of waxing and that of nose-hair-pulling. But not being knowledgeable about such things, I suppose it's best left said by others.

A427754 - Nose Hairs

Post 4



Liked this one smiley - smiley

A427754 - Nose Hairs

Post 5


In dealing with nose hairs, I have known men who would grow thick mustaches. The nose hairs would then blend into the mustache and be reasonably unnoticeable, except to those with sharp eyes.

Of course, these men didn't get many dates anyway, so they had little to lose in social circles. I personally wouldn't advise this as a viable way of drawing attention away from one's nose hairs.


A427754 - Nose Hairs

Post 6

Lentilla (Keeper of Non-Sequiturs)

Those men are also the ones that wear the smelly wool caps (the ones that smell like dirty hair!)

I'm pleased to inform you that this entry has been picked for the Edited Guide (pun intended!) It will take a while for it to go through the editing process, but you'll be notified when it's due to appear in the Edited Guide. Thanks for writing such a great entry!

A427754 - Nose Hairs

Post 7

Mark Moxon

Editorial Note: This thread has been moved out of the Peer Review forum because this entry has now been recommended for the Edited Guide.


A427754 - Nose Hairs

Post 8

Hawley Smoot

Woohoo! And on my birthday, no less.

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