A Conversation for Making your own beer
A425404 - Making Your Own Beer
Kenrick Started conversation May 24, 2001
A really good article on how to make your own beer . This article has been written by Matt Zaphodista (http://www.bbc.co.uk/h2g2/guide/U143335) and he should be along sometime to reply to any comments made.
A425404 - Making Your Own Beer
Emily 'Twa Bui' Ultramarine Posted May 24, 2001
Since I'm allergic to alcohol, I don't know how relevant the article is, but a couple of points:
The first sentence needs a question mark.
Headers and subheaders would divide the entry better and make it easier to read.
A425404 - Making Your Own Beer
xyroth Posted May 24, 2001
a very relavent point. in some places it is illegal to make your own alcohol, and in others, you still have to pay duty on home brew.
A425404 - Making Your Own Beer
SchrEck Inc. Posted May 29, 2001
Unfortunately (for you) there's already a rather comprehensive article on homebrewing here: http://www.bbc.co.uk/h2g2/guide/A481060. If there's something essential missing or if the entry could otherwise be improved, you could post your comments at the bottom of the page.
A425404 - Making Your Own Beer
Matt - Zaphodista and swashbuckling pirate of the "Blood of the Zaphodistas" Posted May 31, 2001
Hi there!
Thanks for the input!
As far as I know, the article mentioned, are looking at other ways of making your own beer, either by buying the beer kit that I briefly mention (and which is not recommended! Everything you make out of such ones taste the same, and not at all too good....), or another method making beer that is halfway yours...
It may be an idea to merge the two articles together, for a more in depth study of the art of home-brewing...???
As far as the subheaders, I have never really been very successful in putting in anything in GuideML, but I'll give it another go... And a question mark as well!
See ya all folks!
A425404 - Making Your Own Beer
SchrEck Inc. Posted May 31, 2001
Hi Matt,
I would think that the homebrewing article I mentioned is quite comprehensive and most of what you've written on the 'how to' is already mentioned in it. Have another read. But I see your point: the part on making the malt yourself is missing; the researchers involved then recommended buying malt in a homebrew shop or wherever because they considered it a too great deal of energy to make it yourself. Perhaps it would be a good idea to simply add the 'Making the Malt' part of your entry into the other one? What do you think?
The original article (pre-edit) was here (http://www.bbc.co.uk/h2g2/guide/A419113), but it is not yet reactivated. You could at least see the discussion that eventually lead to the final collaborative article, if you're interested.
A425404 - Making Your Own Beer
Matt - Zaphodista and swashbuckling pirate of the "Blood of the Zaphodistas" Posted May 31, 2001
I may have overlooked it, but I've skimmed through the article twice now, and however it do mention the different methods of making beer, the main parts where the real brewing is mentioned, are describing the brewing kit that you may buy.
As far as I could read, the other ways were mentioned, but more briefly.... Maybe I am wrong though, of course... I think the brewing method the article described were mainly among the lines of fermenting a brew kit which is, although the similar method is used, a lot easier and where you are able to skip both the malting process and mashing and boiling of the "malt-soup" process.
I'll give it another read as soon as I can!
A425404 - Making Your Own Beer
SchrEck Inc. Posted May 31, 2001
Hi Matt,
'... skip both the malting process and mashing and boiling of the "malt-soup" process ...'
This is what I meant with 'making the malt yourself' and that that part could be added. I must admit that I had to read your entry more than once to realise what's really in it because I was already familiar with a lot of the rest (fermentation, adding sugar, bottling etc) from subbing...
A425404 - Making Your Own Beer
Matt - Zaphodista and swashbuckling pirate of the "Blood of the Zaphodistas" Posted Jun 5, 2001
Yeah! I think that's what I meant as well.... See, I haven't got a lot of time on the internet
for the moment, so I have some problems in keeping up with things over here....
But the best idea would probably be to merge the two articles, specially with the first part that
takes the malting and mashing-techniques in...
Also, maybe a couple of notices on the length of maturing... My own experiences is that the longer
you wait (say, for instance 2 or 3 months) the better the beer becomes! And that's how we like it,
isn't it...
A425404 - Making Your Own Beer
Kenrick Posted Jun 5, 2001
Hi Matt,
It looks like that everyone seems to think that your article should be 'merged' (i.e. update) with the original entry on making beer. Can I just have your conformation of this so that I can have a word with someone at the Update Centre?
A425404 - Making Your Own Beer
Matt - Zaphodista and swashbuckling pirate of the "Blood of the Zaphodistas" Posted Jun 8, 2001
A425404 - Making Your Own Beer
Kenrick Posted Jun 8, 2001
Ok, I've dropped a note telling Jimi X about what's been decided here at the Update Headquarters. You can check it out at http://www.bbc.co.uk/h2g2/guide/F60915?thread=120341&skip=0&show=20. Kenrick :-)
A425404 - Making Your Own Beer
Matt - Zaphodista and swashbuckling pirate of the "Blood of the Zaphodistas" Posted Jun 14, 2001
A425404 - Making Your Own Beer
Monsignore Pizzafunghi Bosselese Posted Jun 20, 2001
Yes, I agree... beer /is/ important, only
there's no smiley...
Well, as things are, this thread doesn't need to be in Peer Review any more, I'm going to have it moved, ok?
Bossel (Scout)
A425404 - Making Your Own Beer
Matt - Zaphodista and swashbuckling pirate of the "Blood of the Zaphodistas" Posted Jun 20, 2001
Yes! Just remove it!!!
I am looking forward to see the finished product...
About as exited as waiting for my homebrew to finsih, and that actually says quite a lot!!!
A425404 - Making Your Own Beer
Matt - Zaphodista and swashbuckling pirate of the "Blood of the Zaphodistas" Posted Oct 30, 2001
Hey Bossel!
I was just wondering if you had any news about what happened with the merging of the two articles...???
I have tried to find out if it's been done yet or not, but it doesn't seem like that to me... You have any idea how long time it will take?
Thread Moved
h2g2 auto-messages Posted Apr 10, 2014
Editorial Note: This conversation has been moved from 'Peer Review Sin Bin' to 'Making your own beer'.
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Key: Complain about this post
A425404 - Making Your Own Beer
- 1: Kenrick (May 24, 2001)
- 2: Emily 'Twa Bui' Ultramarine (May 24, 2001)
- 3: xyroth (May 24, 2001)
- 4: SchrEck Inc. (May 29, 2001)
- 5: Matt - Zaphodista and swashbuckling pirate of the "Blood of the Zaphodistas" (May 31, 2001)
- 6: SchrEck Inc. (May 31, 2001)
- 7: Matt - Zaphodista and swashbuckling pirate of the "Blood of the Zaphodistas" (May 31, 2001)
- 8: SchrEck Inc. (May 31, 2001)
- 9: Matt - Zaphodista and swashbuckling pirate of the "Blood of the Zaphodistas" (Jun 5, 2001)
- 10: Kenrick (Jun 5, 2001)
- 11: Matt - Zaphodista and swashbuckling pirate of the "Blood of the Zaphodistas" (Jun 8, 2001)
- 12: Kenrick (Jun 8, 2001)
- 13: Matt - Zaphodista and swashbuckling pirate of the "Blood of the Zaphodistas" (Jun 14, 2001)
- 14: Monsignore Pizzafunghi Bosselese (Jun 20, 2001)
- 15: Matt - Zaphodista and swashbuckling pirate of the "Blood of the Zaphodistas" (Jun 20, 2001)
- 16: Matt - Zaphodista and swashbuckling pirate of the "Blood of the Zaphodistas" (Oct 30, 2001)
- 17: h2g2 auto-messages (Apr 10, 2014)
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