A Conversation for Foxy Manor

Foxy Manor - The Skyclad Bonfire

Post 81

Archangel Tweetie (01/06/02...)

*looks down at the schoolgirl's outfit, and decides this is too close to what she wears all day anyway...*
*clicks her fingers and changes it into a scarlet leather dress and throws her trenchcoat over her shoulders*
Thanks hon smiley - smiley

Foxy Manor - The Skyclad Bonfire

Post 82

I'm not really here

Are the fireworks still going?

Foxy Manor - The Skyclad Bonfire

Post 83

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

Sure they are!
Sets off another batch.......! smiley - smiley
Baked potatoes anyone? There's coleslaw & cheese! smiley - smiley

Foxy Manor - The Skyclad Bonfire

Post 84

I'm not really here

Yes! Jacket spuds, just what I need. smiley - smiley
something really filling.

Foxy Manor - The Skyclad Bonfire

Post 85

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

I washed the skins, just for you, Mina! smiley - tongueout
Sausages, anyone?
Yummy! smiley - tongueout

Foxy Manor - The Skyclad Bonfire

Post 86

I'm not really here

Thanks Babe, lots of coleslaw, lovely.
You are really so good to me . smiley - smiley

Foxy Manor - The Skyclad Bonfire

Post 87

Satan - Lord of the Underworld

(Satan rises out of the bonfire)

Bwahahahahaaaa!!! A bonfire!!! Can I have a jacket potato?

(Satan takes a rest from eternally torturing damned souls, and puts his feet up in front of the bonfire)


Foxy Manor - The Skyclad Bonfire

Post 88

Jamie of the Portacabin

*Jamie regains consciousness. He is very much on fire.*


*Pushing Satan to one side Jamie sprints off in the direction of the lake. Satan is so surprised that he almost drops his trident.*

Foxy Manor - The Skyclad Bonfire

Post 89

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

For the benefit of viewers:
That was Jamie's ghost, and he is now invisible to everyone at the Manor. Jamie's spirit is now happily cleaning toilets in some sewer, millions of miles from here....

Foxy Manor - The Skyclad Bonfire

Post 90

Jamie of the Portacabin

*Jamie limps back from the direction of the lake*

No he's bloody not! How dare you spread these lies! The metal plating beneath my skane precludes me from dying in tragic steamrolling accidents!

OK, so I've been a pain. Fair enough. *But* the toilets here are now in first class condition and I would be delighted to let you all kick me where it hurts to make up for my former rudeness...

*Jamie braces himself*

Foxy Manor - The Skyclad Bonfire

Post 91

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

*GB starts selling tickets.....smiley - smiley

Foxy Manor - The Skyclad Bonfire

Post 92

Satan - Lord of the Underworld

Tickets? Wot for?

Foxy Manor - The Skyclad Bonfire

Post 93

I'm not really here

~buys a ticket~

Foxy Manor - The Skyclad Bonfire

Post 94

Satan - Lord of the Underworld

(Buys a ticket for whatever it is)

Foxy Manor - The Skyclad Bonfire

Post 95

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

Tickets to be first in line for the kicking.......

Foxy Manor - The Skyclad Bonfire

Post 96

Will Jenkins (Dead)

You mean if we give you money, you will give us an oppertunity to get our heads kicked in? I for one would like to buy one.

Foxy Manor - The Skyclad Bonfire

Post 97

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

No, Will, first in line to kick Jamie. Doesn't anybody ever read backlog? smiley - smiley

Foxy Manor - The Skyclad Bonfire

Post 98

Bob Gone for good read the jornal

*dosent bother with a ticket smackes Jamie over the head with a shovel and throws his unconchas boddy back on the bonfier*
why carnt any one stay dead in this place.

Foxy Manor - The Skyclad Bonfire

Post 99

Will Jenkins (Dead)

You think we have time to read backlog? smiley - winkeye

Foxy Manor - The Skyclad Bonfire

Post 100

I'm not really here

You'll miss so much fun if you don't Will.

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