A Conversation for German Bread

A419861 German Bread

Post 1

SchrEck Inc.

There's a really interesting article by Trillians Child on German bread at


I would recommend it for the edited guide, because it is a comprehensive article, extremely well written. All questions on German bread are covered that you never dared to ask...

A419861 German Bread

Post 2

Trillian's child

Thank you SchrEck. You have solved all my worries now I have found this thread. Your enthusiasm is heart-warming. The article is for those who want to self-cater while on holiday in or travelling through Germany, or for those moving there for work or whatever reasons. I have a guilty conscience because all the material was in my head, and I didn't do any research as such, just lived here and ate bread for 26 years.

A419861 German Bread -This is probably the wrong thing to do

Post 3

You can call me TC

Editors please note - I have transferred everything to a new researcher number. Including this entry, which now has the number A449895.

sorry if this causes inconvenience. But I am not using the old Researcher number now, where it was originally started from, and I can't get into that page to edit anything. After various discussions, I am leaving things like this. Thank you for reading my entry. I shall be doing another one on Germany soon.

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