A Conversation for German Bread

German bread

Post 1

Trillian's child

Having read the submission instructions at least twice, I was under the impression that an article could only be recommended by someone other than the author.

So I asked at the Bulettenbude for sponsorship.

Just in case, I shall meekly submit my own contribution here and hope someone sees it.


German bread

Post 2


Hi, There's nothing to stop you submitting your own article at all! Hopefully, us scouts should pick up on articles and recommend them to this forum, but that doesn't stop anybody from recommending anything about anything to anybody. Or something. I thought your article was informative and interesting. It might be useful incorporating some of the ideas from: http://www.h2g2.com/F51797?thread=71473 I think this sort of thing would be great in the edited guide. Anybody disagree? - Adam

German bread

Post 3

Trillian's child

This is all rather confusing. I have only just noticed that the conversation on the entry is accessed from the entry itself, right down the bottom of the home page. And I have to go to the Peer Review page as well. Where I find a link to aforesaid conversation. Thanks very much, though, I shall now be able to edit the entry until someone takes it up for acceptance. I assume I then get an e-mail and after that there is no more alteration possible?

German bread

Post 4

Lonnytunes - Winter Is Here

Trillion's child, exciting news. I have recommended the article be included in the Edited Guide. We now wait to see if the Powers at the Towers agree with me. I will let you know what happens.


German bread

Post 5

Lonnytunes - Winter Is Here

Trillion's child, I can now report this delicious entry has been sent to the sub editors. One fine day you will be sent an email announcing the articles appearance on h2g2's front page. Well done.


German bread

Post 6

You can call me TC

Thank you.

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