A Conversation for The H2IQ Quiz - Be The First Among Equals

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Post 161


Of course you can all play... ~grin~... tis Christmas time...

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Post 162


Sign me up!

Although I'm very late arriving I got your random question right, so I'm hoping I have some hope. Um.

Ah, sign me up anyway.


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Post 163

Seven of Nine [(1x52)-2-8]x1=42!

Do we have to sign up again, now all the points have reverted to zero, Greebo?
If so, may I please sign up.
Thank you!
~Seven of Nine~

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Post 164


Welcome ghost... you have joined at a good time... ~grin~

Nope seven... just answer the questions as usual... good luck!!!!

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Post 165

Aurora (Muse au Chocolat; Muse of Fancy Footwear and Seraph of High Heels)

PLEEEEASE!!!! I want to join as well!

Please Greebo sign me up!!!!

(BTW, I like your nickname! smiley - smiley )

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Post 166


You are most welcome Aurora... and thank you for liking my name... ~grin~

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Post 167

Aurora (Muse au Chocolat; Muse of Fancy Footwear and Seraph of High Heels)

smiley - blush
Thanks Greebo!

Hey, I'm a Pratchett fan and I think Greebo is one of the most interesting characters! smiley - smiley

Aurora smiley - zoom

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Post 168


Me thinks so too... but then me is biased... ~grin~

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Post 169

The Idiot Savant

Count Me In! Riddles are my specialty!

-The Idiot Savant

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Post 170


Please sign me up, although the chances of me actually finding a question that I can answer are probably fairly small...

Where do the questions come up anyway?

Still a bit new to all this!

Thanks and kippers


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Post 171


Me is now feeling very stoopid.

Must remember to check forums more carefully before re-posting same thing. Duh.

Oh yeah, and any cat that can eat a Vampire and go off like a small landmine in a confined space gets my vote as "Nastiest-but-most-lovable-cat-ever".

"He's just a big softie really" - Nanny Ogg.

Hmmm, a thought. Greebo vs The Luggage.


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Post 172


You are in Stupid... hmmm... is that all right to call you that???

~big grin~.... Me would dread The Luggage and Greebo meeting... though... me does have a sneaking suspiscion that they would be the best of friends... me thinks that they both look at the world in the same way...

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Post 173

I'm not really here

I know the names are not up any more, but I want to leave the competion. I'm not always lucky enough to get to the quiz very quickly, so to be reset to zero annoyed me too much to stay. Sorry to be so brattish about it, but there you go, that's just me.

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Post 174

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

~hugs Mina~

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Post 175

Acolyte Mathnerd, Seraph of General Evilness and Black Trenchcoats(court devil of the Kindom of Balwyniti, Muse and Keeper)

hullo greebo smiley - cat,
is it too late to sign up? or might i join? thanks....
and i do need some clarification. where are the questions posted? and how do we answer such that others can't see and steal the idea? or does that not matter?

smiley - devil Mathnerd (Muse, Keeper, and court devil smiley - tongueout)

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Post 176

James Casey

Please, your feline-ness, can I join in? smiley - smiley

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Post 177

Acolyte Mathnerd, Seraph of General Evilness and Black Trenchcoats(court devil of the Kindom of Balwyniti, Muse and Keeper)

hey, where is greebo anyhow? she hasn't been around for a while now....

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Post 178


Hi Mina,
Me is very sorry that you feel this way, and me is saddened that you are wanting to leave. Me does understand your feelings , but the reason me decided to make it a race to 20 was that researchers joining later would have a better chance of winning... or at least getting into the top 10... it seemed a little unfair that people were joining when others already where 18 or 19 points ahead of them...
Me does not think of you as brattish, and if you ever feel like answering a question in the future then please do so, you will always be very welcome at H2IQ.


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Post 179


Hi KC and Mathnerd, you are very welcome to join in... ~grin~... the questions are (hopefully) posted once a day, and the winner is the first one to answer it correctly... the questions are posted at various times, so all researchers, no matter where they live get a chance to answer some of the questions first.

Good luck to you both...

Oh.. the questions are always posted on the H2IQ home page... and you can always tell the new one by the date...

Greebs.. xx

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Post 180


Prrrrrreeeaaasseee.. want to play too. Brought you some sushi and original swedish crayfish (just spent Christmas in Karlskoga, Sweden). Too many doughnuts expand your stripes in an unfashionable way so hereĀ“s to you. Want to play want to play, I already know the answer!!!

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