A Conversation for The H2IQ Quiz - Be The First Among Equals

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Post 121

Talith (who got bored of being Caroo and thought new h2g2, new name)

Can you count me in too please! Looks like it could be a bit of fun smiley - smiley


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Post 122


Greebo, please can I join your happy troop of quiz meisters. I'll be v. appreciative

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Post 123

Cupid Stunt

I'd like to as well please. Try and give a few people a mun for their runny.

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Post 124

So Long and Thanks for all the Fish(Deceased)

love the name

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Post 125


Everyone can join... ~grin~... give the resident answerers a run for their money...

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Post 126

So Long and Thanks for all the Fish(Deceased)

Will do

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Post 127


Please may I join your Quiz?
Thank you
*kisses cats paw*

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Post 128

Keeper of the Royal Sandwich-Maker

Can I join too please?

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Post 129


Sign me up ...Please!

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Post 130

Arthur Dentist, Really Cool Guardian Angel (Patron Saint of Pliers, and Wrencher of Teeth) With a Pointlessly Long, Stupid Name

I'll join, as long as I at least get a choccy. I think I'll try for the big one: a bottle of wine! Or smiley - ale would do.
*Goes off, looking for brain tonic*

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Post 131


Welcome... one and all... everyone is most welcome to my little quiz... ~grin~

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Post 132

Seven of Nine [(1x52)-2-8]x1=42!

Please sign me up as well!smiley - cat
Thank you Greebosmiley - magic

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Post 133

Clive the flying ostrich: Amateur Polymath | Chief Heretic.

Hello Greebo smiley - cat

Can I join in the quiz as well please?

*doughnuts 4 U!* smiley - donutsmiley - donutsmiley - donutsmiley - donutsmiley - donut

Clive smiley - biggrin

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Post 134


Of course you may... have fun... and remember tis the first in with the right answer... who gets the point... ~grin~

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Post 135

Brahm Danger

Sign me up, you wierd talking cat thingy you!

and me..

Post 136



..let me join..

..I'm dead clever, honest!..

..you know you want to..

and me..

Post 137

Leanne (ACE and Scout)

Please can I join in smiley - smiley

and me..

Post 138

Uncle Heavy [sic]

Could I join?

so how do you play...

Post 139


....no point signing up if I can't play the game coz I don't know how to !!!

Rules etc please !!

Purr-etty pleeease...

Post 140

pathew sgleiniog


It would give my life a great deal more meaning if you could sign me right up.

*bows humbly*

err... what time do the questions get put out, btw?

*scrapes brow on floor*

I brought a special cat cake ... smiley - cake ... surely I get some brownie points?

smiley - ermpathew

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