A Conversation for The H2IQ Quiz - Be The First Among Equals

Tuesday 01st October 2002

Post 61


>How far do you need to count before using the letter 'A' in a number?

u don't need to go any distance at all. u can simply count standing/sitting in one place, not moving any distance. so the answer is no distance at all.

Tuesday 01st October 2002

Post 62

Mu Beta

Of course, if you're counting tonally, you can go:


Which adds a whole new dimension smiley - smiley


Tuesday 01st October 2002

Post 63

You can call me TC

If you're sloshed you just keep going until you get it wrong and then say "Damn" and there you are! smiley - smiley

Tuesday 01st October 2002

Post 64

Titania (gone for lunch)

Actually, Master B, there is no A in Ångström...smiley - winkeye

Tuesday 01st October 2002

Post 65


A: What do you do if you cannot fall asleep?
B: I start counting!
A: How far do you count, normally, until you fall asleep?
B: As far as two!
A: Two? And then you fall asleep already?
B: Well, sometimes it'll be half past two.

smiley - tongueout
smiley - run


Tuesday 01st October 2002

Post 66


smiley - cool 65 bits of b'log

1/(infinity - 1000)

Tuesday 01st October 2002

Post 67

Dancer (put your advert here)

zero and a half.

smiley - hsif

Tuesday 01st October 2002

Post 68


Of course all of these new postings to the thread well after the question has been answered, are going to give the regular competitors the yips all morning long, as they wait for Greebo to post.

smiley - donut

Tuesday 01st October 2002

Post 69

Titania (gone for lunch)

Yes - isn't it a beautiful thought?smiley - devil

Tuesday 01st October 2002

Post 70


See, I came back just 3 minutes later to check the next post smiley - yikes

Tuesday 01st October 2002

Post 71

Titania (gone for lunch)

Oh - but surely Greebo wouldn't be online this early? But if this conversation was updated... say around 2 hours from now, then I think there'd be several H2IQ addictees who'd be very jumpy indeed...smiley - devil

Tuesday 01st October 2002

Post 72



It has been known, which is why / how I've managed to get in 1st once or twice smiley - winkeye

Tuesday 01st October 2002

Post 73

Gnomon - time to move on


Tuesday 01st October 2002

Post 74


smiley - steam Will you lot stop posting in this thread, I'm trying (and failing miserably) to get some work done here smiley - monster

smiley - winkeye

Tuesday 01st October 2002

Post 75


Oh my... me has to go through this entire conversatoin before awarding the point... or indeed points... for me may feels generous today... ~wink~


Tuesday 01st October 2002

Post 76

Ming Mang

In which case I'll put my very bad answer in... Any number. smiley - winkeye


Tuesday 01st October 2002

Post 77


Good Morning Greebs . Now we will get on with it hopefully.

smiley - surfer

Tuesday 01st October 2002

Post 78

~ jwf ~ scribblo ergo sum

For thosa familiara witha the 'champagna bubbla musica' Lawrence aWelka, the answer awould be justa lika hissa California licensa plata "A-1-A-2-Ana-3".
smiley - biggrin

Tuesday 01st October 2002

Post 79


smiley - yikes and there was me, about to start shouting at you all for posting here....

*runs to greebo's space and starts pressing refresh every two seconds* smiley - run

Tuesday 01st October 2002

Post 80


Ouch Whisky... do you have to press quite so hard... ~grin~


~settles back to read a few pages of backlog~

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