A Conversation for Myst


Post 1

lee lee

I love that game!
Very nice entry too.


Post 2

Red Sapphire

I loved that game too! thought the ending was a bit of a let down tho!

Hiding in the fireplace?

Nice entry!


Post 3


Did either of you play Riven? I'm eyeing that one for the Edited Guide next.



Post 4

Researcher 33337

Right, Ok. I first played the game in 1996 in school (long story) and was hooked. When I got a PC of my own I bought MYST (Still wasn't on budget then) and loved it. if my machine could run Riven, I woudl buy it. I'm still tracking down the otehr two books. Nice article but the game addicted me. It still impresses me today with the atmosphere and immersability (And one of the most basic control systems) Sorry, Just loved it.


Post 5


I can emphasize... (Why else would I have written the article?)

Out of morbid curiosity, did it scare anyone? Both Myst and Riven scared me, but it was an addictive-type scariness. During the whole first time through I had goosebumps and jumped if the phone rang, but it was too intriguing to walk away from...


Post 6

Researcher 33337

I haven't played Riven yet (Curse my inferior machine) But Myst scared my big sister. She said something about a sense that something really bad had happened. I was obviously too buisy trying to shake the feeling that I could actually smell teh air in Myst.


Post 7


I just helped someone else through the game, and she was really scared-- mostly of Achenar's rooms. (Gee, wonder why...?) I suppose that I had forgotten how scared I was the first time I played it, but it was Riven that actually gave me nightmares (or at the very least some mildly disturbing, but really cool dreams).

There you can almost feel the air on your face...

Anyone else looking forward to Myst 3?


Post 8

Researcher 33337

I may just get a job to buy a good enough computer to run it. Also keen on that new version of Myst with the fully 3d and weather and the like


Post 9


I've got a aerial screen shot of Myst at sunset as my wall paper right now, and I get compliments on it all the time. (Of course, the uninitiated don't have a clue as to what it is, and idly wonder what a greek-type 'temple' and a rocket ship are doing in the same picture...) I just flash a Ford Prefect-type smile if they dare ask...


Post 10

Researcher 33337

Wow, Thats what I liked. In the opening moments and on teh same island you see a pine forest, a greek style temple, a rocket ship and a big gear thing. I want to see it rain as well, and possably a night on Myst. (Would I ever play it or just wonder around myst for the rest of my life?)


Post 11


Alas, that is the one drawback-- it can only really be experienced once. I coped with that by offering to help other people through the game, and a surprising number of people took me up on it, including people who played it but got hopelessly stuck, as well as people who had never heard of it, but decided to give it a spin. It makes for good quality time between freinds. It's really interesting to see who reacts to what. Some spend the whole time hypothosizing about the end, others concentrate on what went wrong in the first place, and still others talk about gameplay and graphics...

Another plus about Myst Dimensions/RealMyst, (Cyan and Red Orb haven't settled on the final title yet, I think,) : A new age. smiley - bigeyes


Post 12

Researcher 33337

Ahh, teh new age. It actually gives a really good reson to buy the game. Wonder what it'll be like.
Oh, about the books. I remember playing the game after reading the book. Despite reading the book the second time and suddenly remembering that Catherine's world was called Riven, its so good to play through Myst again and suddenly realise a whole lot more about what's going on.


Post 13


Hmmm, you read the book first? The novel, you mean? Wow, that's odd. I'd just as soon figure that only people that have previously played the game would want to read the book (or would even know what the story's really about). Did someone turn you onto the book not knowing that you hadn't played the game or did you find it on your own, not knowing that there was a game attatched?


Post 14

Researcher 33337

I'd just started playing the game in school, and got stuck so I bought the book partly out of interest and partly in teh hope that it may have some subtle clues. So I read teh book before finishing teh game.


Post 15


Anyone downloaded the test of the Stoneship Age from realMyst from avault.com? I would have gotten it, but my computer doesn't even halfway satisfy the CPU hungry requirements-- tell me about it!


Post 16

Researcher 33337

Actually, can anyone suggest where I coudl find just still images from the game. I found a couple on a website suggested here but the actual site only ahs movies (Which my computer is too poor to run) and even though I don't ahve a hope of running this new Myst I would still like a chance to see it.


Post 17


Try [Broken link removed by Moderator]

I must admit, the still pics are VERY tasty looking.


Post 18

Researcher 33337

Indeed they are. Thanks, appreciated. Need job, need fast machine, need Riven, Real Myst and when it gets released, Myst III

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