A Conversation for Seduction

Writing Workshop: A4152854 - Seduction

Post 1


Entry: Seduction - A4152854
Author: aaldemariande - U1598841

Alright I think It's done but if there's sufficient belief otherwise I'll keep in in the writing workshop until everyone else thinks so. As always all comments and criticism are welcome and this entry is written from personal experience only, EVERY time I have tried to seduce I woman I have suceeded. Please point out any errors you see and I will change them. I tried to present a somewhat professional side and yes I'm only waiting to hear from the women who will yell at me that this is a terrible thing for me to have written... please don't, I'd rather not have to deal with that, though I would welcome any criticism on importance of any one portion of my method or anything that I missed that women really appreciate in men or appreciate their men to do for them as I always welcome the helpfull input of ladies.

A4152854 - Seduction

Post 2


Oh and one more thing, This guide is assuming a very compressed timetable as mentioned in the early part of it so I have deliberately left out gifts as a viable way into a woman affections, though it could perhaps be added, I've just never seen myself walk around randomly with a boquet of flowers, a box of truffles and a pendant to give away to a random beautiful woman. Oh and by compreseed I mean from 10 minutes to 2 hours give or take.

A4152854 - Seduction

Post 3


Author has elvised - back to entry?

smiley - panda

A4152854 - Seduction

Post 4


Flea Market?

A4152854 - Seduction

Post 5


Sure smiley - smiley

smiley - panda

A4152854 - Seduction

Post 6


Seconded. smiley - ok

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