
1 Conversation

"Main Entry: se·duc·tion
Pronunciation: si-'d&k-sh&n
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle French, from Late Latin seduction-, seductio, from Latin, act of leading aside, from seducere
1 : the act of seducing to wrong; especially : the often unlawful enticement of a female to sexual intercourse
2 : something that seduces : TEMPTATION
3 : something that attracts or charms "

As found in the Merriam-Webster living dictionary, the variant that will be dealt with herein is found in definition 1.

"the act of seducing to wrong; especially : the often unlawful enticement of a female to sexual intercourse"

Ignoring for a moment the often unlawfull portion of the definition, this portion of the guide will continue under the assumption that noone wishes to break any laws and that seduction is in fact the art of inducing a woman to have sexual relations with a party they would otherwise not wish to, at a much more advanced pace than would be considered average, or to continue a sexual relationship despite overwhelming reason not to (directly referring to being otherwise romatically engaged). Because of the environment common in the western world, it is the woman who has all of the choice when it comes to allowing sexual relations to occur, as the seducing party it is your goal to get the woman to believe that she wants to initiate a sexual relationship with you.

This is an intermediary guide and as such assumes that you are at least willing to walk up and talk to a woman in her language, that you suffer from no horrible disfigurements,and are a reasonably intelligent person. It will be written to address the issue of a man seducing a woman.

Stage one: The conversation

Primarily the first stage consists of initiating contact with the person to be seduced, from here on refered to as the seductee. If contact with the opposite sex is uncomfortable for you this guide will likely be beyond your ability and it is suggested that you find someone of the opposite sex you find non threatening and talk to them about how you are uncomfortable and the various things you can do to overcome these feelings. As members of the opposite sex they are emminently qualified to tell you whether you are making an ass of yourself and what/what not to do in a given situation.

Contact at first should be a brief exchange of pleasantries, in some situations this can be difficult mostly in places where speaking is difficult, this can drastically hamper or improve your odds of success depending on whether your looks or intellect are your greater asset. It is true that loving couples while speaking look into eachothers eyes and or simply make eye contact (or physical contact in lieu or eye contact) approximately 2/3 of the time. What this means to you is that assuming the seductee has been in a loving relationship at some point in their life, if you look into their eyes about 2/3 of the time they are going to be extremely predisposed to believe that they like you more than they already do.

Try to keep your body language open and relaxed, and try to avoid one liners like the ever popular "Hey baby would you like to see my tan lines?" these generally do not work and are not worth it unless the engagement is already going less than favourably. stage one can last anywhere from a few minutes to a few hours in which you will attempt to show the seductee that you are interested in them preferably by listening to what they say and showing yourself capable of conversing on topics that they enjoy. Make them laugh if at all possible and compliment them, however if these last two are at all forced it will come through terribly in their reaction to you.

Stage two: The Dance

Stage two occurs after you can be reasonably sure that you are both aware of eachothers existence and acutely aware of eachothers actions, preferably stage two will involve an action that presents ample opportunity for close physical contact.

"Dance with a woman and she will forgive much, Dance well with a woman and she will forgive anything" - unknown

In all likelyhood the perfect opportunity for this will come while dancing. If you do not dance go take lessons, any reasonably sized town will have dance classes and no woman will turn down an opportunity to dance with someone that has completed stage one. Though not necessarily jazz or ballet, being knowledgeable in the art of slow dancing, the waltz, rhamba, swing dancing, tango, and just about any other form of dance is an asset. It is not necessary to be a good dancer it is only necessary to be a willing dancer who doesn't constantly step-on your parters feet, has some sense of rhythm, and above all is willing to have fun. Remember someone who is willing to look like an idiot and smile because he is next to a beautifull woman is in the process of allowing that woman to believe that he is fun, outgoing and happy.

Stage three: The hug

Now presumeably if you actually dance with the woman and you are not repulsive the opportunity will arise to hug her. Do so in a warm open and receptive manner, be strong but not crushing and ease off the hug don't just squeeze and back off, slowly ease off leaving a lingering sensation. Seek to determine whether the hug was welcomed, this should be imminently obvious as women are essentially incapable of maintaining a blank face and will either be smiling and happy or frowning/fake smiling (essentially any non relaxed facial expression indicates distaste) and it is very easy to determine a fake smile just imagine yourself smiling and then try to keep that look on your face while in pain. People tend to believe that they are much more accomplished liars than they really are as well the woman will most likely in the situation of a "fake smile" be actually hoping you notice her discomfort and leave her alone and as such won't put her whole effort into it, she is really doing it so she can think that she is trying to be nice to you.

Stage four: The kiss

The first kiss is commonly before or occasionally after the first episode of sexual intercourse, the kiss is what will determine whether the woman will seek further or seek to further her relations with you. Kissing is not something that can be learned from a book it requires practice and some people are not good at it. The best kissers are those who's first or longest relationships have been with a good kisser and they learn to kiss well through this. Most people however have spent much of their formative time in their teens jamming their faces at eachother in a genuinely repulsive manner and try to see how far down eachothers throat they can stick their tongues. This is not good form while kissing.

Kissing should be passionate warm and firm without being hard, kisses should be teasing lingering and any kisses involving the tongue should NEVER be attempted in the first few moments or if ever there is a break in the kissing it should not be resumed with a kiss involving tongue. Much more than that can not be said about kissing except that if at all possible do it well, practice often to improve your skills, and above all be gentle. Sexy, passionate lovers are NOT agressive lovers. Agression has it's time and place but that is AFTER the kiss not before. Though quite possibly depending on the cues you recieve from the seductee the kiss may become agressive this is ok provided you did not initiate it.

The kiss if done well will make any woman drastically alter her previously determined decisions about you, in some cases it has been reported that having a bad first kiss will completely eliminate any desire the seductee had for the seducer. In such a case you should endeavor to not kiss the girl until after sexual relations have already been initiated at which point the kiss will not effect too poorly the current situation but will eliminate any chances of a repeat performance. A good kiss or more accurately kissing well for a period of time not less than 3 minutes should lead directly to stage 5. Again if you aren't kissing well there is nothing to do but practice until you are kissing well, most likely with a non threatening member of the opposite sex over the age of 20 who is emminently qualified to tell you whether you kiss well and what to do to improve your kissing.

Stage five: Foreplay

It can not be stressed enough that foreplay is not sex. foreplay is the art of getting a woman who is willing to allow you access to her body to become sexually aroused to the point of wanting sexual intercourse. Ideally do what comes naturally, however if you aren't so talented the general progression is fondling the breasts or ass or both. This should progress through sensual touches on the back, stomach, face, and neck to contact with the groin.

Ideally all of that is accompanied by skillfull kissing. You can then progress to allowing your mouth to move over the womans body, again the idea is to arouse her so ask her what she likes after showcasing your talent and LISTEN to what she says. Case in point one woman stated that "one finger doesn't do anything for me" she proceeded to state that it had to be at least 2 preferably 3 fingers inserted rapidly, so in this case while one finger would literally bore her for 3 or 4 minutes you wouldn't know that unless you asked at which point you could have been spending those 4 minutes making her very happy, the choice is obvious and the key to that choice is communication and openness.

Now it has been stated that some women can not achieve orgasm, this is a mostly mental condition,though there can be physical causes. Either way should be handled with understanding, calm, and receptiveness. For the ideal seduction the woman should orgasm at least once for each orgasm you achieve. The first step should be to determine whether the woman has any troubles doing so, or if there is a specific way that they need to be pleasured, as that is frequently the case. Acceptance is the key as well as a complete honesty. One woman held herself back from orgasm because she was afraid that when it happened she would pee, she had never reached orgasm from fear of embarassment which is never something that goes well with sexual intercourse. The solution presented to her by her partner was that he accepted that her fear may be justified but unlikely, he wasn't bothered by it, and that should she wish to try to orgasm that the bathtub was probably the ideal place and in a calming receptive manner solved her problem.

Stage six: Sex

Ignoring the specifics, ideally assuming you are doing your job well and are good at kissing dancing and foreplay the woman should have an orgasm before and during/after(or both) sexual intercourse. Manual clitoral stimulation should not be ignored during sex and the woman should NOT be left unfulfilled. The best and most successfull seductions do not involve the ever popular giant penis, though it is possible to include said penis the only real measure of success is in the pleasure both parties recieve and the willingness of the seductee to continue the relationship.

Presumeably by this point you have successfully seduced someone and with any luck you'll like them so much you'll spend the rest of your life with them.

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