A Conversation for New York City - Queens - Forest Hills - Local Color: Barnes & Noble Bookstore

Writing Workshop: A4133396 - New York City - Queens - Forest Hills - Local Color: Barnes & Noble Bookstore

Post 1


Entry: New York City - Queens - Forest Hills - Local Color: Barnes & Noble Bookstore - A4133396
Author: rudysagastume - U1584774

Okay, this is a review that I found "orphaned" and I am trying to get it through editing. I tried to contact the original researcher but h2g2 won't even let me write a message to him...Let me know what you guys think!

A4133396 - New York City - Queens - Forest Hills - Local Color: Barnes & Noble Bookstore

Post 2


Author has elvised - back to entry?

smiley - panda

A4133396 - New York City - Queens - Forest Hills - Local Color: Barnes & Noble Bookstore

Post 3


Seconded. smiley - ok

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Writing Workshop: A4133396 - New York City - Queens - Forest Hills - Local Color: Barnes & Noble Bookstore

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