A Conversation for Boston - East Boston - Food
A4127609 - Boston - East Boston - Food
Tavaron da Quirm - Arts Editor Posted Jun 19, 2013
Here is again the problem of outdated information.
A4127609 - Boston - East Boston - Food
Bluebottle Posted Jun 19, 2013
Agreed - and it never actually states for certain whether it is discussing Boston, Massachusetts, USA or Boston, Lincolnshire, UK - or indeed any of the other Bostons in the world.
A4127609 - Boston - East Boston - Food
Bluebottle Posted Aug 1, 2013
It has been in 'Last Chance to Rescue' for a month. Paulh said, ' I checked on all the restaurants mentioned, and all but one were still there and thriving. The one that seems to have departed is "Boston Best Beef Sandwiches". I'm not volunteering to go to East Boston and check out the restaurants, but I think the one deletion is all that's needed to bring the article up to date.'
I'm not convinced that's enough to keep it in the Flea Market - what do you think?
A4127609 - Boston - East Boston - Food
Tavaron da Quirm - Arts Editor Posted Aug 1, 2013
I'm also not convinced, I'm afraid. Even if the places still exist there's nothing that tells us that they re still anything like they are described.
A4127609 - Boston - East Boston - Food
Bluebottle Posted Aug 1, 2013
Okay, Back to Entry agreed.
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Flea Market: A4127609 - Boston - East Boston - Food
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