Boston - East Boston - Food

2 Conversations

Quick Review: Best Italian Food

Historically East Boston had been an enclave ethnic Italian community. With the past decade the face of the neighborhood has drastically changed as Latin American immigrants have set up shop and Italians have steadily left in the phenomenon known in the U.S. as "White Flight."

There are two renown pizza places in Eastie and its patrons are equally zealous of each: Santarpio's and DaCoopa's. Growing up, the researcher lived closer to the latter and as such the review will be centred around it.

DaCoopa's is a hole in the wall corner Pizza & Sub shop on the corner of Saratoga and Shelby Streets. Even the plain cheese is amazing and the slices are huge. The real gem of DaCoopa's is their Steak & Cheese sandwiches. Unlike Philadelphia and NYC, Steak & Cheese in Boston is an entirely different and altogether superior sandwich. The meat is not cut up steak (like in Philly and NYC) but rather "loose meat" sandwiches. If you are lucky enough to go to DaCoopa's order the following: "Steak & Cheese with the works and Extra Cheese." Within five minutes (as long as there is no line) you will be given a gift from the heavens. Too bad this is the only place in the United States that has this delectable treat.

Bar none, the best place to find pastries is "Spinelli's." This is an Eastie institution serving traditional Italian pastries. Go inside and just allow your mouth to stare at 3 display cases full of the most scrumptuous delights you will ever see. Do not leave until you have tried a "canoli." These treats are the most traditional Italian desserts ever. I live in New York now and grew up eating canolis my whole life. I can say with no reservation that Spinelli's had any NYC canoli beat! FYI they also serve Pizza at Spinelli's. They only have sicilian slices (which are square). I used to get these after getting my haircut next door. They hit the spot!

Late Night Eats
Okay, like most places in Boston, eateries are not open all night. However, if you call in time or drive over you'll be sure to get a stash of food before closing time. I suggest either Chinese or Roast Beef. There are two really great places for Chinese food - Great Chef and Kalua Hawaiian. Both have great fried rice and, oh yes, chiken fingers! Order these with plenty of duck sauce and you'll be gainfully satisfied. If a taste of Asia isn't your speed then I suggest a Roast Beef sandwhich. Okay, for those of you not from the east coast (or USA) roast beef sandwiches are an entirely different matter than you may think. Now that I live in NYC i see that the sandwiches here differ than those in Eastie. Needless to say, the Eastie RB is much better. Go to either "Boston Best Beef Sandwiches" across from the Patrick J. Kennedy elementary school for a great late night snack. But if it's a real Boston RB sandwich you're looking for then head over to "Royal's Roast Beef" in Orient Heights. Order a "Super Beef" with the sauce and ketchup. It comes on an onion roll and it absolutely friggin' amazing! Get some fries too, which come with tarter sauce.

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