A Conversation for The Restite Kingdom

Out of Character Room

Post 61

benjahv: windswept and interesting

smiley - laugh good. i wont be around for long im just reading the various posts ive missed.smiley - smiley

Out of Character Room

Post 62

lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned


*sits quietly*

Out of Character Room

Post 63

benjahv: windswept and interesting

im back for now. still checking old posts. sir steve appears to have had some trouble in the grounds.smiley - laugh

Out of Character Room

Post 64

lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned

Hmm.. so I read smiley - smiley

Only he had disappeared before I got back

Out of Character Room

Post 65

benjahv: windswept and interesting

same here. im currently somewhere in the grounds looking for blackhood(not that ive posted that yet!) then i need to see the king to say im going, so i dont ruin the story by just disappearing.

Out of Character Room

Post 66

Pdmatthew - Probably In a corner somewhere with a guitar

smiley - smiley do what you feel is right for your charachter Ben, I'm not the ruler of the story, we all make it up, i dont mind as long as we all stick to the character, and looking for your falcon would be in character would it not

Out of Character Room

Post 67

lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned

will you be back online tonight?

Out of Character Room

Post 68

Big Steve

lil, while your hanging around waiting for things to happen can i pick your brain for a bit?

Is it alright for me to be opening threads up all over the place as long as it's in character and sticks with the current coventions?

Is this based in a 14th century castle in the 21c because from reading the posts I (and others) have placed we seem to have 14th century clothing and weapons and transport, but also 21st century toys, speech and atitude. is this something that will be sorted out during the role play?

have you and paul basically planned a timeline nfor it or are you sorting it all out on the fly?

i'll apologise here for being at bit forward but it seems to fit the "character", honestly i'm not like this irl.
smiley - grovel

Out of Character Room

Post 69

benjahv: windswept and interesting

no im afraid i wont be. i know how to tie it into the rpg though. expect a post in the kings chamber fairly soon.

Out of Character Room

Post 70

lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned

Ben.. Righto. I understand.. Enjoy your time away from hootoo smiley - hug

Steve smiley - smiley

As long as you are using the threads and that others can also enter, I cannot see the problem. Just don't open up too many before we have chance for the game to grow as it needs to.. okay?

smiley - magic

Out of Character Room

Post 71

Pdmatthew - Probably In a corner somewhere with a guitar

Ok ill answer that ben, were basically in modern times but the civilisation works so well (Apparently) that not much that is modern (Eg weaponry etc is needed) we kind of take what we like from previous centuries and shove it in. For example according to the history its always worked well with a king, because the kings have never really been corrupt, etc etc but the way people act does change, however the way people treat the king or those a bove them does not + were suppost to be in a place unlike many modern places so the rules can be slightly different. Did i answer your question or spin you round in circles? smiley - smiley

Out of Character Room

Post 72

Pdmatthew - Probably In a corner somewhere with a guitar

oops it was steve answering the question, Btw try not to bring too many modern things into the threads without asking (I mean im still debating wether they would have access to americanized games etc)

Out of Character Room

Post 73

Big Steve

Ok, think i've got that.

You'll have to put up with things that have already been brought in but you don't want too much else that is "modern" bringing in to the equation. If your thinking of doing something thats a bit outside current conventions get it cleared in here first.

smiley - smiley

Out of Character Room

Post 74

Pdmatthew - Probably In a corner somewhere with a guitar

yea, probably be ok with alot of things but its always worth bringing things to the plate. Think of it this way, a small society would not want to lose its people to americanism etc etc, but they would also trust their peoples judgment,what do you think lil?

Out of Character Room

Post 75

lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned

I agree with you Paul, the army appears to be more medieval than a completely modern army.. so things should be kept around those ideas. We don't need lasers or flash guns etc.. Besides Steve does enough damage to himself with a sword! smiley - yikes

Out of Character Room

Post 76

benjahv: windswept and interesting

i really have to go now. i think i managed to leave without disrupting the rpg, i mentioned the woods in the grounds thread if we include them as being in the grounds you wont have to open another thread. right im off its been fun, back in afew days. bye!smiley - smiley

Out of Character Room

Post 77

lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned

Bye.. take care and we will see you soon smiley - hug

Out of Character Room

Post 78

Pdmatthew - Probably In a corner somewhere with a guitar

Ate Amanha

Out of Character Room

Post 79

lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned

Pardon? smiley - erm

Out of Character Room

Post 80

Pdmatthew - Probably In a corner somewhere with a guitar

It means the same as you said to him in portugese

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