A Conversation for Bull Scrotums

Bulls Scrotums

Post 1


Well, they may make themselves popular with other cow hands but i guess the other bulls may have a thing or two to say about it.

Bulls Scrotums

Post 2

Dan B

Yes well, biting off ones scrotum might be rather painful. Not for the bull, but for the stupid fool that tried to secure a pouch and ended up with a horn up his

Bulls Scrotums

Post 3

Sonic Healer

Surely that should be "scrota" ?

Bulls Scrotums

Post 4

Digital Dorothy

Pedant. You've clearly been drinking too much orange tea, Sonic Healer. Although, as a fellow linguist, I have to say that you are quite right. Even if you didn't know what a mirkin was.

Bulls Scrotums

Post 5

Sonic Healer

Well I have to say, now that I've been duly enlightened, that I have not a shred of shame regarding my prior ignorance in this matter!

Bulls Scrotums

Post 6


Two points for linguists who don't get out much:
1) "Mirkin" [sic] should be spelt "Merkin"
2) A "Wether" is the name given to a whip made from a (presumably dead) bull's penis. Traditionally, it is tied to the beam of a barn with a heavy weight tied to it, whereupon it stretches to become a pliable weapon.

Bulls Scrotums

Post 7


Well, in awe of all of you, here is another piece of fact previosly ommited from the original article.
Following evidence from Indonesia, Bulls Scrotums, when pickled, can be stretched across two stout wooden beams to be beaten into a walking stick for the disabled in countries where they've used up all the forests.

Bulls Scrotums

Post 8

Prez HS (All seems relatively quiet here)

And in fact, some areas of the world are even known to have replaced all their human inhabitants with Bulls' Scrotums of the sentient variety, because they thought the Scrota were smarter in comparison

having read this thread, I can understand why


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