A Conversation for Fights.....and How to Avoid Them

Writing Workshop: A403444 - Fights.....and How to Avoid Them

Post 1



I started writing this article back on the old guide. It started off quite well, but I'm not sure where to take it now. Any advice please??


A403444 - Fights.....and How to Avoid Them

Post 2

Huw (ACE)

Well, firstly it's looking like it's only about drunken brawls, so the title should be changed. As for where to take it, well, try coming up with some more techniques for avoiding fights, maybe how they get started in the first place, some techniques for getting OUT of fights - stuff like that?

A403444 - Fights.....and How to Avoid Them

Post 3

Monsignore Pizzafunghi Bosselese


is this one still under construction, or has it been superseded by A649749, the ultimate martial art?

A403444 - Fights.....and How to Avoid Them

Post 4

Just zis Guy, you know? † Cyclist [A690572] :: At the 51st centile of ursine intelligence

Hmmm. I avoid fights by being bigger than most people, but not by enough to make me a target for short-arses with something to prove. And by using Brave Sir Robin's patented technique.

A403444 - Fights.....and How to Avoid Them

Post 5


smiley - doh This isn't Hoovooloo, who wrote the Ultimate Martial Art entry. This is Hooloovoo (notice the correct spelling!) who wrote a remarkably similar entry, which has been sitting in Writing Workshop for a really long time. The topic is basically covered in HVL's entry, so what's the proper thing to do with this thread?

Hooloovoo, what do you think? Do you have any plans for developing this entry?


A403444 - Fights.....and How to Avoid Them

Post 6


The author was unsubscribed from this thread, but I've left a note on his U-space. Just posting here to leave the proper paper-trail. smiley - geek

A403444 - Fights.....and How to Avoid Them

Post 7



Thanks GTBacchus for bringing this back to my attention. I probably wont be doing any work on the entry, and Hoovooloo's entry is pretty much the kinda thing I wanted to write in the first place.

Don't know if anyone wants to have a go at combining the two entries??

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