Mancunian Blues
Created | Updated May 5, 2005

Don't Mention The War
Watching TV news this week has been like an episode of
Faulty Towers: 'Don't mention the war!!'
Anyway, I went out for a friends birthday in town the other week. For the first time in months I ended up at Fab Café. In a world of lookalike bars, Fab Café is special. Dotted around the walls are remnants of
sci-fi TV. Cheesy music, good company and a Dalek - it's a great night out for me.
We headed off to the Manchester's infamous Jilly's Rock World. It didn't take us long to end up back at Fab Café. After most of our crowd had got into Rock World, they refused to let our birthday boy and his girlfriend in, because she didn't have ID. Given that she was mid twenties, it wasn't normal to carry ID. The bouncers also weren't willing to give the rest of us our money back. Much merriment was had at Fab Café, however, once we got back there. So it was with great amusement we found out that Jilly's had been raided and some management had been taken in on tax fraud charges and some of the bouncers were questioned over claiming benefits.
Anyway, back to music, and on the bus home there were just a few of us on the top deck. Along with myself and a few tired revellers were a group of lads who seemed to be part of a chav-rap group. They were trying out lyrics on each other and, although mostly rather offensive, were, to my surprise, rather good. I didn't catch their names or even if they were gigging (or whatever the chav-rap equivalent is), but I'd be interested to know how they work out.
My new most hated phrase is 'you're on after the beat-boxers'. A couple of beat-boxers have been doing the open mic stops and it was my turn to try and follow them. Youch, they are good. I'm not normally a
fan of them, but the vocal ability of one of them was amazing. Anyway, since I can't share my views on the major event of this week, I think I'll leave it there.
Except for saying, I enjoyed The Film!
Till the next time,
Love peace and blues