A Conversation for How to Write Entries in GuideML

Please help me

Post 21

Spelugx the Beige, Wizard, Perl, Thaumatologically Challenged

The Clinic is the definitive reference for GuideML, but not exactly the best tool for learning it. As Writing-GuideML says, one of the best ways is to look at other pages. If you want to use guideml for writing an article for example, you should look at the guideML produced by the <./>subeditors</.> for edited entries such as one of today's frontpage entries 'Peking Crispy Duck', A963452. To view its GuideML, simply visit <./>test963452</.> (gurus: hmm, bad guideml on it?).

If you want to 'spice up your userpage', try A690518, and remember that you can be nosy and look at anyone's guideml on their space using <./>testuserpage183117</.>


Please help me

Post 22

Reality Manipulator

smiley - tasmiley - cheerssmiley - ok S'pe;lug:// for your help and advice.smiley - smiley

Now all I have to do is chose a suitable style for my next entry.smiley - smiley


Please help me

Post 23


I knew JA was one of the people who didn't like the official Guide-ML pages. I had the advantage of already knowing HTML and _I_ don't think these help pages are very helpful either. A lot of them could do with a re-write - including correcting those errors! smiley - biggrin

JA, you can use Test###### for an A-number page and TestUserPage###### for a U-number page to look at other people's Guide-ML as the others have said. However, it is a lot easier to do this on a computer where you can cut and paste from page to page via the imaginary clipboard. On a digibox you have to write it all down and type it back in. However, you might find it very useful to keep a little notebook or loose-leaf file of your favourite bits of Guide-ML so that you can flip through and reuse them in different ways any time you want - including planning a page off-line.

If you can't type the Test address link as a URL on a digibox, then:
- make a note of the page number you want to see (A or U)
- go to your own space
- leave yourself a message saying <. />Test#</ .> (without spaces and with proper numbers instead of #)
- use the link you have just made when you read your message

Please help me

Post 24


Hmm... that article shouldn't have made it through... the &'s need to be replaced by &amp;'s... smiley - erm


Please help me

Post 25


I've just created a test article and all 16 syntax errors are that same problem.


Please help me

Post 26


We've got a thread going about the test engine, i'll bring this up over there.


Please help me

Post 27


This isn't a problem with the test parser - I wouldn't be allowed to create a Guide Entry with any syntax errorsd. However, Editors seems able to override this and create/update the entry, even if syntax errors are present. These are rightly detected by the test parser so, perhaps, when an Editor has updated a Pending article, they should use the test URL to check if there are any GuideML errors?


Please help me

Post 28

Jim Lynn

This is because the editors, rather against my recommendations, use a very old tool for editing guide entries, one which isn't as strict as the normal editor. Trouble is, this is part of the editing process that has never been updated, so some of it is still using perl scripts to do some things, and we've never been able to spend the time updating those tools (because it's not just coding time, it's also the time it would take analyzing how the editorial process has changed since the original tools were written, which is a lot).

Please help me

Post 29


So they should listen to you more then, Jim. smiley - biggrin
You could always take that dangerous tool away from them. smiley - winkeye

Please help me

Post 30


Why can't they use the same tool as the rest of us? Is there some editing that you can do that we can't?


Please help me

Post 31


I've posted in <./>Feedback-Editorial</.> asking for the errors to be corrected.


Please help me

Post 32


Good idea.


Please help me

Post 33

Jim Lynn

"Why can't they use the same tool as the rest of us? Is there some editing that you can do that we can't?"

It's because they have a whole bunch of tools they use in the final part of the editorial process (making entries approved, tracking art, scheduling the front page, emailing authors when articles are approved) and this old script is part of that. Just dropping in the normal page editor would be a fair amount of work, because we'd have to change all links everywhere they reference the old script, and frankly, I'd rather not waste time doing that unless I can also update the whole process.

Please help me

Post 34


Wouldn't a simpler solution to a software rewrite be to ask the Editors to use the Test URL after editing entries in this wa to check that there aren't any GuideML errors?


Please help me

Post 35

Reality Manipulator

smiley - ta Thank you SEF I am already ordered html introductionary tutorial from the public library. Hepefully that will help me understand it as well.smiley - smiley

When I used clipart (word so easy) there was a picture of a bunch of broccoli please will you tell me if the picture library has one.smiley - smiley


Please help me

Post 36


C809 is the h2g2 Picture Library. A426241 contains all the current Fruit and Veg pictures, but brocolli isn't there. smiley - ok


Please help me

Post 37

Reality Manipulator

smiley - tasmiley - oksmiley - cheers RhoMuNuQ


Please help me

Post 38


No problem smiley - smiley

There are plans to allow the CommunityArtists to take picture requests so, if that happens, you could ask for a Brocolli picture to be created. I'm afraid, however, that I don't know if/when this will happen. smiley - ok


Please help me

Post 39


The Picture Gallery list isn't actually complete. I haven't met a broccoli on the site yet though. The closest I've seen is a cabbage blob = B2624624 (see it in A848595).

Please help me

Post 40

Reality Manipulator

Thank you SEF


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