A Conversation for Forest Hill, London, UK

Peer Review: A3900953 - Forest Hill, London, UK

Post 1


Entry: Forest Hill, London, UK - A3900953
Author: endless_cups_of_tea - U1495187

Been hanging around the Writing Workshop for far too long - PR's the place for this one. Hopefully the author's still around somewhere! smiley - smiley


A3900953 - Forest Hill, London, UK

Post 2

McKay The Disorganised

I agree it a good entry - however is it all still current - does the resteraunt still exsist ? Do the buses still run ? Haven't they burnt down the Millenium Dome yet ?

smiley - cider

A3900953 - Forest Hill, London, UK

Post 3

Smij - Formerly Jimster

Well, I went to Forest Hill only last night and I can confirm those establishements are all still active. Might need a little tweaking for the word 'recently' occurences, but I can recommend the Dartmouth. Friendly service, nice surroundings and good food.

A3900953 - Forest Hill, London, UK

Post 4


I like the Horniman museum.

'Frederick Hornimann' -> 'Frederick Horniman'
'donated his collection of African art to Forest Hill in 1901 and in the process created the Horniman Museum' - don't know whether that is quite correct, he commissioned the museum building (designed by Charles Harrison Townsend) as the collection was outgrowing his family home, part of which was open to the public to view the collection. It is true that once he'd had the museum built he gave it and the surrounding land to the people of London - perhaps it just needs rephrasing slightly.

Should also link to the Horniman Museum website: www.horniman.ac.uk

A3900953 - Forest Hill, London, UK

Post 5

Smij - Formerly Jimster

Just to say if anyone does have suggestions or fixes, we'll be keeping an eye on this and be making them in-house once the entry is accepted (we know this is a bit unorthodox, but as we have the tools for this and are able to do the research on it, it makes sense).

A3900953 - Forest Hill, London, UK

Post 6

There is only one thing worse than being Gosho, and that is not being Gosho


A3900953 - Forest Hill, London, UK

Post 7

Emmily ~ Roses are red, Peas are green, My face is a laugh, But yours is a scream

Anymore suggestion on this one?smiley - smiley

smiley - bluebutterfly

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Post 8

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Post 9


Huzzah!smiley - applause

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