A Conversation for h2g2 Feedback - Feature Suggestions

I.D cards?

Post 21

Whoami - iD dislikes punctuation

Mmm... on a slightly different note how's about a free Google-style bar for browser windows, with a skin 'sans top bit 'n all that' to go. Maybe not so popular now we have the BBCi-bar up there anyway. If anyone likes it, I'll go and suggest it...


I.D cards?

Post 22

Old Uncle Zarniwoop

Sounds good to me.

Azara - Are you critisising my taste in mousemats ?

I.D cards?

Post 23

FABT - new venture A815654 Angel spoiler page

ID badge would be nice, if only to freak out poeple in banks with.

Whats the latest on a towel if we are talking merchandising?


I.D cards?

Post 24


Seeing as we are talking merchandising, it isn't like the beeb to miss out on getting some money back.

Here we are, literally thousands of researchers with cash to spend, okay so not much cash, but cash nontheless, and they haven't brought out a range of products. You'd have thought by now that they'd be mousemats, keyrings, lapel badges, towels, screen savers, desktop themes, &c at least.

smiley - rose

I.D cards?

Post 25

Old Uncle Zarniwoop

I think a H2G2 digital watch is essential !!!

I.D cards?

Post 26

Whoami - iD dislikes punctuation

How smiley - silly of us to forget! Yep, consider it added to the wish list...

I.D cards?

Post 27

FABT - new venture A815654 Angel spoiler page

oh yeah. goo coloured strap of course


I.D cards?

Post 28


Ooh Yeah!!

smiley - rose

I.D cards?

Post 29

Whoami - iD dislikes punctuation

Or plain, with silver h2g2 logo on face. More acceptable to wear everywhere...

Whoami? smiley - cake

I.D cards?

Post 30

Old Uncle Zarniwoop

Would it be embossed ?

I.D cards?

Post 31

FABT - new venture A815654 Angel spoiler page

maybe we could have a tasteful and a not tasteful option. like the sound of the silver strap, bit pricey though

why is there no money smiley?


I.D cards?

Post 32

Whoami - iD dislikes punctuation

no - i meant plain black watch, printed with silver-coloured h2g2 logo on face, above digital display. Much cheaper. Admittedly, stylish h2g2 watch very nice, but hard on wallet

I.D cards?

Post 33

FABT - new venture A815654 Angel spoiler page

ok, you win

shame we cant draw pictures so you could show us what you meant


I.D cards?

Post 34

I'm not really here

I want a Goo coloured watch! Silver sounds too much like Alabastar! Eurgh.

I.D cards?

Post 35

Goti (Fish) ACE (SAS) Prof. JOIN H2G2 SAS A592102

Maybe a matalick Goo?

Just supporting the idear for merchindising as some Recerchers have found out H2G2 is adictife (sory bout my spelling) so there is a demand just looks like wating for "finachial organisation" as the beeb is a large Company it will take an equaly large period of time for it to get ready b back in a year if we dont havem then
PS if any one makes sense of that I'll be suprised
smiley - hsif

I.D cards?

Post 36

FABT - new venture A815654 Angel spoiler page

thought i'd pop in and resurect an extremely 'worthwhile' conversation.......

any action yet at the towers gang?


I.D cards?

Post 37

Whoami - iD dislikes punctuation

None yet - there's so much going on with the DNA rollout. I'm going to wait until the summer and then I'm going to start hassling them in a useful way - then exams will be over and I'll have time to commit to being really helpful...

Whoami? smiley - cake

I.D cards?

Post 38


Very worthwhile idea ressurecting this thread. You'd think that the good idea would be to get stuff (if only mousemats) organised to flog at the next meet up (but then they'd have to get on with organising the meet up smiley - winkeye). I'm sure that the beeb already have the suppliers/distributers and all such already organised for their other product ranges, and the artwork, hey that's already there aswell. maybe if they only did a small batch to see how they went?

smiley - rose

I.D cards?

Post 39

Whoami - iD dislikes punctuation

Well, you can get Wake Up to Wogan merchandise, so surely h2g2 and the ever-expanding DNA can have the essentials - mugs, mousemats and a towel?

Whoami? smiley - cake

I.D cards?

Post 40

Whoami - iD dislikes punctuation

Oh, and while I'm at it, one other small thing. A few months ago, the rather mediocre 'The Saturday Show'' found its way to my room in the form of a little postcard. Surely we could have a few little credit-card sized cards or something so that when we tell people about h2g2 we don't have to keep writing the URL out for them! Please?

*realises wasn't going to nag until after exams* smiley - doh

Whoami? smiley - cake

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