A Conversation for The Bull Outhouse

The outhouse.

Post 1


Just wondering if anyone has or ever heard a LP of Mike Harding recorded live in York. Comtains a very funny story about an uncle with piles having a visit to the outhouse. Hilariously describes how the uncle is mewing and whimpering whilst dogs are sat around outside with their heads on one side and a quizical look on their faces and one ear raised.smiley - smiley

The outhouse.

Post 2


beener don't know that one I'm afraid. Funnily enough Slightly Foxy and I were chatting about Mike Harding in ML the other day because before he was famoues he was a regular at a Folk Club we both happen to know.
Absolutely brilliant.

The outhouse.

Post 3

The Famous Eccles

Funnily enough, I was listening to a tape of that in my car yesterday. It's brilliant!

Roy smiley - winkeyesmiley - biggrin

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