A Conversation for The Bull Outhouse


Post 21


Oooh Noooooooo! Just spent three days ridding (I thought) myself of nasties. Just followed your instructions on post 12 and got the construction message...back to the handbook for me I guess?


Post 22

Dusty Substances

Hi Sarah.

I didn't know you were getting a verucca zapped? Well, I can write a note to get you out of PE if that helps. Dx


Post 23

Peet (the Pedantic Punctuation Policeman, Muse of Lateral Programming Ideas, Eggcups-Spurtle-and-Spoonswinner, BBC Cheese Namer & Zaphodista)

Erm, a-m, make sure you're looking at a <./>RandomEditedEntry</.> *before* you press F5. It just fetches another random entry - nothing clever going on. smiley - geeksmiley - erm


Post 24


OK - now I have another question.

When I look at the Conversations List, it says that the last reply in this Conversation was posted 2 minutes ago. But when I click on it, the last reply appears to be about half an hour ago. Am I missing something?


Post 25


Thanks Peet - I've discovered that the rogue page comes courtesy of pcworldofcomputing so your suggestion of infiltration seems spot on.


Post 26


Aha! Answering my own question here - have just discovered the 'next list' link. A bit misleading IMHO - as it's the equivalent of 'newer discussion', not really a list as such.

smiley - smiley


Post 27

Peet (the Pedantic Punctuation Policeman, Muse of Lateral Programming Ideas, Eggcups-Spurtle-and-Spoonswinner, BBC Cheese Namer & Zaphodista)

Annie, chances are you didn't refresh your list of conversations before clicking on it. The "My Conversations" pop-up auto-refreshes at two minute intervals, but the list on the main page needs to be refreshed manually. smiley - geek


Post 28


Dusty, may I add you to my list of Friends? It's like a maze isn't it. Can't think how ML is going to fir into this planet. Nil desperandum though


Post 29


Hi martine

I'm groping my way round in here too, but actually quite enjoying the new environment. I'm sure we'll get used to it.

Hmmm! I wonder if we can do foreign languages in here? Will experiment at some point (not now, as it's 7.01pm and I can't multitask!)

annie (Annie MS in ML)


Post 30


Oh Sharpers, can I hold your hand, perhaps we'll make it to the end of the tunnel.

I am hastening now to put you in my list of friends.
But the etiquette dear! What a headache! Can one just include people if they'd rather not be your friends?

Paranoïa Rising.


Post 31


May I presume to include you in my list of friends Annie?

This whole thing has possibilities but meeting in the same time frame isn't one of them.


Post 32

Katy Tulip

Hi everyone! I enrolled on H2G2 simply ages ago, forgot about it because it felt like walking blindfolded round a maze, then couldn't find my way back in. I rediscovered my lost Space because Cal replied to me there.

Do you know a toy called Knexx? You can see some examples if you Google on Images. All the rage here, my boys love it. Tiny plastic wheels, cogs and sticks, which all interconnect to build anything you fancy. Well, that's what this place feels like to me....

Btw, I find it easiest to click the link 'See more conversations' when I get here, because then you get a straight list of all the threads, the most recently-replied-to-one at the top. Thanks for all your time and patience in helping us out, Peet.

I hope no one minds, but I've started adding people I know to my list of friends whenever I can.




Post 33

Peet (the Pedantic Punctuation Policeman, Muse of Lateral Programming Ideas, Eggcups-Spurtle-and-Spoonswinner, BBC Cheese Namer & Zaphodista)

Annie, there are limits on the foreign languages you're allowed to post here. French is usually OK, as apparently some of the Mods can read it. With other languages it's a bit more hit-and-miss. One or two words, with translation supplied in the same posting, will usually get through, but an entire posting in a non-English language will usually be failed unless there happens to be a moderator handy who speaks the language. smiley - bigeyes


Post 34


You certainly can, martine!

And I will do likewise - you will be the first!


Post 35

Peet (the Pedantic Punctuation Policeman, Muse of Lateral Programming Ideas, Eggcups-Spurtle-and-Spoonswinner, BBC Cheese Namer & Zaphodista)

Hiya, Katie!

I've been telling other people this - the Friends list is where you store the names of the people whose postings you would like to be alerted to, i.e. every time they post it shows up on your space in the "My Conversations" list. If you put a lot of people on there, eventually their communications will push your own conversations off the bottom of the list before you've had time to read them. smiley - yikes It was originally envisaged for keeping track of occasional posters, so you could tell when they had been on the site in your absence.

Feel free to play with it anyway, though - you can remove as well as add... smiley - winkeye


Post 36

Katy Tulip

Hi martine and Annie! I've added you to my list now too. It's growing quite a lot already.

It's nicer posting here than on the POV boards, much nicer, but I do really miss Latest Messages....



Post 37


Thanks Peet - that sounds promising!

And thank you very much for all the time you are spending here, reassuring us and answering our daft questions.


PS: One advantage I've discovered is not having to preview a message before posting it - although I suppose this might lead to even more sloppy editing!


Post 38


Hi Katy!

Will put you on my list too. I'm off to get something to eat now, so will have to leave further exploration until my next visit.



Post 39


still does to me, Katy!! P


Post 40

Katy Tulip

Hi Peet! Yes, I noticed when I had a look at my Space there were all this conversations I hadn't appeared in! Thanks for the warning - but don't you get the whole list if you click that link at the bottom? Anyway, what I did was to unsuscribe to any of the threads I hadn't actually taken part in, and that helped tidy the desk a lot. Actually, I still think that an 'email me' button would be good for this. I wandered over to the Hub a while ago (but can't find it anymore, wail) - am I right in thinking that Peta said on there that they're looking at this and it's a possibility?

One thing though - this place is an insomniacs dream once you get to grips with it!!! I think what put me off so much the first time round was the fact that I didn't know anyone here at all, so felt very alienated and lost.


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