A Conversation for PARTY!!!!

Ice cream of the Gods

Post 21

Titania (gone for lunch)

*floats in in her vague, elf-like manner*
Just wanted you to know, that FC's Party!!! is now on again!
*returns to the party, dancing, with a glass of champagne in her hand*

Ice cream of the Gods

Post 22

Archangel Tweetie (01/06/02...)

*launches into the air and shoots over to the party, hair streaming behind her*

Ice cream of the Gods

Post 23

Demon Drawer

Can I have a honey and malteaser Ice Cream. And can you get my Marc to serve it in just those tight blue shorts he was wearing last night. smiley - bigeyes

Ice cream of the Gods

Post 24

Dr E Vibenstein (You know it is, it really is.)

Does he have a trader's licence?

Ice cream of the Gods

Post 25

I'm not really here

~dances in, see's it's not busy and dances out again, just pausing to say..

Who's Marc?~

Ice cream of the Gods

Post 26

Dr E Vibenstein (You know it is, it really is.)

A young friend of DD's, from what I can make out. smiley - winkeye

Ice cream of the Gods

Post 27

Demon Drawer

Don't you make out with him. smiley - winkeye

He's mine. smiley - smiley

Ice cream of the Gods

Post 28

Dr E Vibenstein (You know it is, it really is.)

LOL! smiley - bigeyes

Ice cream of the Gods

Post 29

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

Oh, I think I died and went to Heaven! smiley - smiley
I haven't had orange sorbet since I was in Kuwait in 1996!
{Drool!} Can I have a bowl of that, please, to take back to the party?

Ice cream of the Gods

Post 30

I'm not really here

Bowl of orange sorbet coming right up for Galaxy Babe.
I saw you come in from the dancefloor, welcome, welcome!
Not many men to go round, but it's still early. smiley - smiley

Ice cream of the Gods

Post 31

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

Back at the party! "Orange sorbet anyone?" and poor Galaxy Babe almost gets killed in the crush......smiley - smiley
VERY popular, this sorbet. All of a sudden I am the centre of attention! I wonder if it's my sorbet....or the sheer dress I am wearing, with no underwear? smiley - winkeye
Anyone up for a slow dance? smiley - smiley

Ice cream of the Gods

Post 32

Archangel Tweetie (01/06/02...)

Hmmmm, wonder if alkeehol and ice cream works....
*tips her glass of champagne into a tub of vanilla*
I may have had a little too much of the bubbly stuff.

Ice cream of the Gods

Post 33

Demon Drawer

Can I have some Honey and Peach Schanpps Ice Cream.

*BTW Marc looks great in black CK jeans and a white YSL shirt as well as just in blue shorts. smiley - winkeye*

Ice cream of the Gods

Post 34

Fashion Cat

hmm... your doing a good job of making me jealous... come on then visual description pls.... smiley - smiley

Ice cream of the Gods

Post 35

Demon Drawer

5'8", mousey blond hair. Blue eyes (not as blue as his shorts, more subtle). Footballer's build. Thin lips. Pugish nose. No sideburns. Long, slender pianist-like fingers. smiley - smiley

Ice cream of the Gods

Post 36

Fashion Cat

he sounds really nice DD.... I'm happy for you... see it wasn't too bad after all jumping back on the bandwagon was it smiley - smiley *massive hugs...*

Ice cream of the Gods

Post 37

Demon Drawer

Second chance taken and I've been lucky. smiley - smiley

No it hasn't indeed. smiley - smiley

Ice cream of the Gods

Post 38

I'm not really here

Honey and Peach Schanpps Ice Cream for DD, sorry it took so long I had to attend to my real life. It was very boring.

Ice cream of the Gods

Post 39

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

Back for more orange sorbet, I have met a very interesting person at the party, Mina. Thanks! {Disappears back to the party........}

Ice cream of the Gods

Post 40

AEndr, The Mad Hatter

alcohol and ice cream does work, but you have to use the right alcohol and add it at the right time of the making.

*takes Tweetie's bowl away and hands her a bowl of proper vanilla champagne ice cream8

see isn't that much nicer?

try the chocolate and cointreau too, it is my favourite

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